

指将未来的现金流折算为现值,可用于评估投资项目及诸如股票和债券的价值。 例如,将一项投资未来预计可获得的净现金流以适当的贴现率(discount rate)折算为现在的价值,减去初始投资成本即可得出净现值(NPV, net present value)。 如果净现值为正值,意味着该项投资的回报率高于贴现率。

Discounted Cash Flow的英文解释

Establishes the relative worth of a future investmentproject by assessing the expected cash flows from the project against its net present value. Cash flows in the future are discounted, or are estimated as worth less than current cash flows, because their real value will be eroded by inflation. Commonly used in valuing companies and as a component of equity valuation.

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