

有些交易所会为证券/商品/合约设定单日涨跌幅限制,比如限定个股单一交易日最多只能较上收盘价上涨或下跌10%. 当价格升至当日价格上限,就称为涨停板,跌至价格下限则称为跌停板. 有些交易所会在涨停板或跌停板时停止交易,直至市场价格脱离价格上限或下限. 也有交易所会在短暂停止交易后于扩大的价格区间内恢复买卖.

Limit Up的英文解释

The maximum advance or decline from a previous day's settlement price that is allowed in one trading session. Some markets do not trade again during the session after a limit up/down move unless prices retreat from that limit. Other markets suspend trading temporarily when limits are hit and then reopen with expanded limit levels.

文章标签:翻译  词汇  词典  股票词汇