

MSCI是英文Morgan Stanley Capital International的缩写. MSCI指数是指投资银行摩根士丹利所编制的一系列股价指数,涵盖不同的行业、国家以及区域. 很多机构投资者以MSCI指数为投资表现的参照基准,另外这些指数亦衍生出一般投资者可参与交易的投资工具,如MSCI指数期货以及上市交易基金(ETF)等.网址:www.msci.com

MSCI Indices的英文解释

A group of regional, national and industry performance benchmarks designed to help compare world equity markets. The indices are widely used by portfolio managers to compare the performance of their funds against those of the underlying markets. The MSCI indices are calculated using weighted arithmetic averages.

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