

英文Moving Average Convergence/Divergence的缩写. MACD是一种追踪资产价格趋势的技术分析工具,透过长短两种天期的价格移动平均线来分析走势. 一般以26天移动平均线为长天期代表,短天期则选12天. 移动平均线采用平滑移动平均线(EMA, exponential moving average)模式,让较为近期的价格对移动均值有较大的影响. 资产价格的12天EMA减去26天EMA,即得出MACD值,在图表上是一条环绕着零值波动的线. 计算MACD值的9天EMA,即可画出一条所谓的"信号线". MACD的分析方式包括:1. 线条的交叉: MACD线向下穿过信号线是看跌信号,意味着或许应该卖出. 相反,MACD线向上穿越信号线则代表价格有上涨的动能. 当价格陷于窄幅波动时,这种买卖信号比较不可靠.2. 价格背离: 价格走势与MACD线背离,是当前价格趋势告一段落的信号.3. MACD值急涨: 资产价格的短期移动均值上扬,急速拋离长期移动均值时,MACD线会快速向上,这是证券出现超买的迹象.另外,技术分析师亦会关注MACD值是正数还是负数. MACD值高于零代表短期均值高于长期均值,这意味着近期价格呈现上涨动能. MACD值低于零则意味着近期价格呈现下跌动能.


Moving Average Convergence/Divergence is technicalanalysis tool showing the relationship between two exponential moving averages of a share price for different periods. The two exponential moving averages are plotted on a chart, producing two lines that oscillate above and below a zero line. Sell and buy signals are generated when the two lines derived from moving averages of different periods cross. Overbought and oversold signals can be indicated when both lines are significantly above or below the zero line respectively. The exponential moving average is worked out by applying a percentage of the closing price today to the moving average calculated yesterday. This gives more weight to the most recent price changes compared with a simple moving average.

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