英文New Arrangements to Borrow的缩写,指1994年墨西哥金融危机之后,由国际货币基金组织(IMF)的25个成员国和机构安排,提供给IMF的信贷额度,旨在为维护国际货币体系稳定提供额外资金。在启动借款总安排(GAB)之前,IMF会先启动借款新安排。借款总安排是十国集团(G10)提供给IMF的信贷额度。
A credit line to the IMF arranged by 25 members and institutions following the Mexican
financialcrisis in 1994, to provide supplementary resources to protect the
internationalmonetary system. The NAB will be called on first before
resort to the General Arrangements to Borrow (a credit line with the G10 group of countries).