《马城条约》所定出的标准,凡是希望成为欧洲经济货币联盟正式成员的国家必须符合这些条件,包括:l 通货膨胀率不得超过通膨率最低三个成员国平均值的1.5个百分点;l 财政赤字不得超过国内生产总值(GDP)的3%;l 公共债券不得超过GDP的60%。
Maastricht Criteria的英文解释
The criteria, set out in the Treaty of Maastricht, that need to be met by European countries if they wish to become full members of the Economic and Monetary Union. They include: 1) inflation of no more than 1.5
percentage points above the average rate of the three member states with the lowest inflation 2) a national
budgetdeficit close to or below 3 percent of gross national product and 3) public debt not
exceeding 60 percent of gross national product.