

滞后指标反映宏观经济已经发生的变化,其走势落后于整体经济周期. 滞后指标涵盖诸如劳动力成本以及利率等指标. 与滞后指标相对的是领先指领与同步指标: 领先指标冲量那些先于整体经济周期而动的经济因素,同步指标理论上则与经济周期同步而动.

Lagging Indicators的英文解释

Lagging indicators are economic indicators that follow a change in the economic cycle, reflecting what has already happened in the overall economy. They include such things as labour costs and interest rates. They contrast with leading indicators, which measure economic factors that alter ahead of changes in the overall economic cycle and coincident indicators, which change at the same time as the overall economic cycle.

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