
Moviegoers were taken with 'Taken 2,' as the action thriller sequel tallied $50 million in receipts over its opening weekend.

飓风营救2》(Taken 2)颇受影迷的欢迎。作为一部续集影片,这部动作惊悚片在上映首周末便获得了总计5,000万美元的票房收入。

The film, starring Liam Neeson as a retired Central Intelligence Agency operative who is kidnapped by a man he spurned, doubled the opening-weekend gross of the original film, 'Taken.' That film earned $24.7 million in its first weekend in theaters.

《飓风营救2》上映首周末的票房收入是首部影片《飓风营救》(Taken)的两倍,后者在影院上映的第一个周末获得了2,470万美元的票房收入。影星连姆•尼森(Liam Neeson)在片中出演美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)的一位退休特工,他的家人遭其宿敌绑架。

'Taken 2,' distributed by News Corp .'s Twentieth Century Fox, attracted a broad demographic, with men making up 52% of the audience. Moviegoers 25 years old and up made up 56% of the audience. (News Corp. also owns The Wall Street Journal.)

《飓风营救2》由新闻集团(News Corp)旗下二十世纪福克斯公司(Twentieth Century Fox)负责发行。该片受众较为广泛,其中男性观众占比52%。25岁及以上的观众占比达56%。(新闻集团同时拥有《华尔街日报》)。

In its second weekend in theaters, 'Hotel Transylvania,' the family-oriented animated film about a hotel for monsters, took in $26.3 million, bringing its cumulative domestic take to $76 million. The movie, from Sony Corp.'s Sony Pictures Animation, handily beat new competition from Walt Disney Co.'s 'Frankenweenie,' the Tim Burton-directed black-and-white animated film that earned $11.5 million in its first weekend in theaters.

动画片《精灵旅社》(Hotel Transylvania)在上映后的第二个周末收获了2,630万美元的票房,其美国国内累计票房收入达到7,600万美元。这部主要面向家庭观众的影片讲述的是一家专门接待怪物的酒店发生的奇闻异事。由索尼公司(Sony Corp.)旗下Sony Pictures Animation出品的这部影片轻松击败华特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)出品的新片《科学怪狗》(Frankenweenie)。蒂姆•伯顿(Tim Burton)导演的这部黑白动画片上映首周末获得了1,150万美元的票房。

Dave Hollis, Disney's executive vice president for theatrical sales, predicted 'Frankenweenie,' featuring the voices of Winona Ryder, Catherine O'Hara, Martin Short and Martin Landau, will benefit from positive moviegoer reaction. 'You saw our business take a nice pop from good word-of-mouth from Friday to Saturday,' Mr. Hollis said. That response, he said, 'will carry it for a great run.'

迪士尼公司负责影院销售的执行副总裁霍利斯(Dave Hollis)预计影迷的积极反应将令《科学怪狗》受益。包括薇诺娜•瑞德(Winona Ryder)、凯瑟琳•奥哈拉(Catherine O'Hara)、马丁•肖特(Martin Short)和马丁•兰道(Martin Landau)在内的影星为该片配音。霍利斯说,从上周五到上周六,良好的口碑令这部影片开局得胜。他说观众的积极反应会助推该片取得成功。

Comcast Corp.'s Universal Pictures struck a strong note with the wide release of 'Pitch Perfect,' the a cappella comedy that took in $14.7 million as it expanded to 2,770 theaters, from 335. The $17 million movie, starring Anna Kendrick and Anna Camp, was a hit with women, who made up 81% of the audience.

康卡斯特(Comcast Corp.)旗下环球影业(Universal Pictures)凭借《完美音调》(Pitch Perfect)的全面公映奏出了一个强音。这部讲述一个全女子清唱组合参加歌唱比赛的喜剧最初只在335个影院上映,随着上映这部影片的影院数量达到2,770个,其也收获了1,470万美元的票房。这部耗资1,700万美元拍摄的影片颇受女性观众的欢迎,女性观众占比达到81%。该片由安娜•肯德里克(Anna Kendrick)和安娜•坎普(Anna Camp)主演。

'Looper,' the science-fiction thriller from Sony's TriStar division and Film District, continued a healthy run, with $12.2 million at the box office in its second weekend in theaters. That brings the cumulative domestic gross for the film, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis, to $40.3 million.

索尼公司旗下三星影业(TriStar)和Film District发行的影片《环形使者》(Looper)的票房收入继续稳定增加。该影片在上映的第二个周末获得了1,220万美元的票房。这样该片在美国国内的累计票房达到4,030万美元。该片由约瑟夫•高登-莱维特(Joseph Gordon-Levitt)和布鲁斯•威利斯(Bruce Willis)主演。