

Dialogues /monologues:


1、 Hotel in London or in England specially, will ask for a credit card or a confirmation which will guarantee that your room is held, basically all night or for late arrival.

2、 This could be a precise place for you.

关于:precise 与 accurate 是否有区别?


accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性

correct 正确的,指某人或某事合乎事实或公认的标准或规则,没有错误

delicate 精美、精细的、雅致的

exact 确切的、精确的,语气较accurate强,指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差

precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义

3、 Art-house.

Art-house: 艺术电影院

指放映不属于商业主流电影的电影院。艺术电影院放映的影片,重视电影本身的品质,较不注重商业吸引力,如当代重要导演的影片、独立制片影片、影史的经典作品,及发行有限的前卫及实验电影。亦称 Art theater。

4、 Your restaurant specializes in hamburgers and chicken, right?

specializes in:擅长于,专攻。

5、 As an unadvertised special, you can have a trip to the salad bar with your order for only a dollar more.


6、 Take my order out of this.

out of:作为"根据"的意思。全句是:根据我点的去做吧。

7、 No sooner do we start to look for a motel, when one appears.


No sooner :一旦...立即... "when"=就在那个时候。




The sale of alcohol in Britain is strictly controlled by licensing laws. These restrict where, when and by whom alcohol may be sold. In order to open a pub or wine bar the owner must obtain the approval of the local magistrates who must be satisfied that he or she is a suitable person to sell alcohol. If the application is approved the owner obtains a license to sell alcohol and becomes the license. The name of the licensee is displayed above the front door. If magistrates are not happy with the way a pub is being run they can cancel the license. The name of the licensee is displayed above the front door. If magistrates are not happy with the way a pub is being run they can cancel the license.

Many pubs are licensed to sell alcohol for drinking on or off the premises. However, most people buy alcohol for drinking at home in a supermarket or an off-license. Shops and supermarket have to get a license, called on off-license before they can sell alcohol. Nobody under 18 is allowed to buy alcohol, either in a pub or in shop.

Pubs are only allowed to sell alcohol during official opening hours. They are allowed to remain open all day from 11a.m. to 11p.m. though many close in the afternoon. If they wish to stay open after 11p.m., they must obtain a special late license pubs open for a shorter time on Sundays, and in some parts of Wales they are closed altogether.

In the US, there are local laws about when and where alcohol can be sold. Some towns are dry, i.e., no alcohol can be sold there at all. In general, restaurants and bars need a license to sell beer and wine. In some states alcohol for drinking at home is sold only in special liquor stores; in other places it is sold in any food shop. There are fewer restrictions on when alcohol can be sold than there are in Britain, and bars can stay open very late. The most common restriction is that alcohol may not be sold early on Sunday mornings.







  • confirmation [,kɔnfə´meiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.证实;证据;确认 四级词汇
  • precise [pri´sais] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.精确的;清楚的 四级词汇
  • restrict [ri´strikt] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.限制;限定;约束 四级词汇

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