
Here's a popular myth: Managers who butt heads with the boss fail to get ahead. But often, the opposite is true.


Knowing how to disagree agreeably with higher-ups increases your chances for advancement, career coaches, management consultants and recruiters say.


'It takes courage and emotionalintelligence to stand up to your boss,' observes Kenton R. Hill, an executive coach in Portland, Ore., who wrote 'Smart Isn't Enough,' a 2010 book. 'You're more likely to land a bigger role if you help your boss be successful,' he adds.

2010年出版的《仅仅聪明是不够的》(Smart Isn't Enough)一书的作者、俄勒冈州波特兰的高管教练肯顿•R•希尔(Kenton R. Hill)说,"与上司对抗需要勇气和情商。如果你帮助你的老板取得成功,你获得重用的可能性会大大增加。"

Executive recruiters 'question your integrity' if you're a candidate who claims that you've never clashed with your supervisor, writes Russell S. Reynolds, Jr., founder of an eponymous big search firm, in his new memoir, 'Heads.' Tales of seamless harmony suggest 'you lack the power of your own convictions,'' he says in an interview.

罗盛•S•雷诺兹二世(Russell S. Reynolds, Jr.)是大型猎头公司罗盛咨询公司(Russell Reynolds Associates Inc.)的创始人,他在其最新回忆录《Heads》中写道,如果你在求职时声称从未与上司起过冲突,猎头就会"质疑你的诚实度"。他在一次访谈中说,无懈可击的和谐相处经历使人觉得"你缺乏坚持自身信念的能力"。

John Stroup, CEO of Belden Inc., a maker of electrical cables, says he's more apt to promote managers who are savvy about challenging him.

电缆制造企业百通公司(Belden Inc.)CEO约翰•斯特鲁普(John Stroup)说,他更倾向于提拔那些擅长挑战他的经理。

However, he cautions that it's not a good move right off the bat. At his previous employer, Danaher Corp.,he saw some newly recruited senior managers wash out because they urged him to adopt approaches used by their old company without first establishing their credibility, he recalls.

但是,他告诫说,从一开始就反对上司并不好。他回忆起在他之前所在的丹纳赫公司(Danaher Corp.),一些新招募的高级经理终被淘汰,就是因为他们在首先还未建立自身信誉的时候就力劝斯特鲁普采用他们的老东家惯用的方法。

Mr. Stroup prevailed in a disagreement with his Danaher supervisor about a risky strategic shift because they had developed a strong rapport. That man, an executive vice president, 'recognized my strengths,' Mr. Stroup recollects. 'I felt comfortable enough to push my point of view.'


The skeptical boss let him offer certain customers complete solutions for their specific needs