
Three years ago, International Paper Co. closed an enormous mill here that for generations had churned out white office paper, putting 1,100 people out of work and dealing a major blow to this tidewater city of 8,500.

三年前,国际纸业公司(International Paper Co.)关闭了弗吉尼亚州富兰克林市的一个大型造纸厂。此举令1,100人失业,给富兰克林这个人口只有8,500人的河岸城市造成了重大冲击。这家造纸厂此前生产白色办公用纸,已在此生产经营了几代人的时间。

Now, the world's largest producer of paper products is reopening part of the mill with an eye toward an expanding market in Asia for personal-care products. With about a fifth of its old workforce, IP's Franklin mill is gearing up to begin producing fluff pulp