
With summer comes the dreaded season of swimwear shopping. But this year's retro-glam looks may ease some of the angst.


The latest suits hark back to the relativelychaste looks of Hollywood's heyday, with low leg cuts, high-waisted bikini bottoms, shirred and gathered fabric, and tops that offer fuller coverage.


While modesty may be a result, it isn't the aim. 'We're finding that women really are responding to glamour in bathing suits,' says designer and television's 'Project Runway' host Michael Kors.

尽管这类泳装最后出来的效果或许中规中矩,但这并不是最终目的。美国设计师及电视真人秀节目天桥骄子(Project Runway)的主持人迈克尔•科斯(Michael Kors)说,"我们发现华丽风格的泳装确实让女士们心动。"

On the high-fashion side, swimsuits shown on the runway by Dolce & Gabbana, Prada and other designers for this summer evoke mid-20th-century looks worn by bombshells Esther Williams or Sophia Loren. There are modern versions at many price and design levels, from designer lines such as Malia Mills, where suits can cost several hundred dollars, to fast-fashion outlets such as H&M, where a vintage-look bikini will set you back $24.95.

在高级时装界,杜嘉班纳(Dolce & Gabbana)、普拉达(Prada)和其他品牌在T台上展示的今夏新款泳装让人回想起上世纪50年代的风格,尤以埃丝特•威廉姆斯(Esther Williams)和索菲亚•罗兰(Sophia Loren)等性感女星的穿着为代表。这些泳装的现代版涵盖多个价位和设计档次,既有像玛莉亚•米尔斯(Malia Mills)这样一件泳装可能要卖数百美元的高端品牌,也包括像H&M这样的快时尚品牌店,在那儿花上24.95美元便可买到一套复古风格的比基尼。

Modern stretch materials allow swim designers to combine glam designs with athletic functionality -- suits that Mr. Kors calls 'hybrid with a wink to the past.' Two of his suits are shown on Olympic hopefuls Hope Solo and Serena Williams on the June cover of Vogue magazine. The swimsuits are alluring -- Ms. Williams's suit of shimmery gold fabric is shirred around the torso -- but wouldn't flash too much in a mean round of beach volleyball.

现代的弹性面料使泳装设计师能够将华丽的设计与运动实用功能融为一体,科斯将它们称为"复古的混合物"。奥运明星霍普・索罗(Hope Solo)和小威廉姆斯(Serena Williams)穿着他设计的两款泳装登上了时尚杂志《Vogue》6月刊的封面。这两套泳装性感迷人,其中小威廉姆斯所穿的是一件全身抽褶、微带亮光的金色泳装,但又不像打沙滩排球时穿着的泳衣那么过于炫目。

The ultra-femme look is part of a midcentury trend that is sweeping architecture, interior design and even industrial design. Retro styles have been a theme on the ready-to-wear runways for several years, and swim designers are increasingly responding to fashion trends as they work to expand their industry, which sells $10.8 billion of swimwear to women, men and children each year, according to consumer researcher NPD Group Inc.


Retro glamour also plays well with the move to pitch whole suites of poolside clothing to women, with coordinating coverups, hats, skirts and even sandals. Swimwear makers hope to expand by selling more kinds of items. Ann Taylor has a 'poolside glamour' collection in stores now that was inspired by Slim Aarons's photography from the 1960s. Looks include gathered swimsuits and a 'shirred skirted bikini bottom' that is pure Jean Harlow, as well as coverups and pool-chic dresses.

复古华丽风在女式游泳配套装备上也得到完美呈现,其中包括配套的沙滩服、沙滩帽、短裙甚至还有拖鞋,泳装生产商希望通过销售种类更为丰富的产品来扩大销售额。安•泰勒(Ann Taylor)的"池边华丽风情"(poolside glamour)系列目前已上架销售,该系列的设计灵感来自斯利姆•艾伦斯(Slim Aarons)在上世纪60年代的摄影作品,其中的款式包括抽褶泳衣、十足珍•哈露(Jean Harlow)风范的"抽褶比基尼短裙"以及沙滩衣和时尚泳装。

The new modesty is kind to women's curves. Low leg cuts flatter the hips, higher waists hide tummies, and shirring at the torso distracts from bulges. All this is welcome to Nora Neibergall, a 53-year-old executive at a nonprofit company in Tempe, Ariz., who says she wants to 'tuck it all in and keep it all in the bathing suit.' She compares buying a suit to having a toothache. For her, the trick is findingadequate coverage for her thighs and rear end without wearing something 'that looks like it was designed for someone in their 70s.' She has ordered a covered-up look from Land's End.

这种新式的端庄风格比较贴合女性的身体曲线。比如平角设计可以更好地衬托臀部,高腰设计有利于藏起你的小肚腩,而身体部位的抽褶设计则可分散他人对赘肉的注意,所有这些设计元素都获得了诺拉•尼博伽尔(Nora Neibergall)的喜爱。现年53岁的尼博伽尔是亚利桑那州坦佩市(Tempe)一家非盈利企业的高管,她说她想"把身体全都塞进泳衣中,让它一直都藏在泳衣里"。她甚至还把选购泳衣比作牙疼,对她来说,关键是要找到一件能够充分遮盖大腿和臀部的泳装,但又不希望它"看起来像是为70年代的人设计的那样"。后来她从时装公司Land's End订购了一件裹身款的泳衣。

While it is rare for a swimsuit trend to appealstrongly to both younger and older shoppers, young women like this one -- often choosing the most literal retro looks. Ms. Neibergall's daughter, Beth, a 21-year-old business and art history major at Arizona State University, says her favorite suits this season are retro styles from Dolce & Gabbana, with push-up-style tops, high hourglass waists, and bows and frills, which she saw online, and Marc by Marc Jacobs high-waisted one-pieces, which she saw at Nordstrom.

虽然某种泳装潮流既能深深吸引年轻消费者又能吸引年纪较大的消费者的情况非常少见,年轻的女孩们却着实被今年的潮流所迷住了──她们常常选择最名副其实的复古款式。尼博伽尔21岁的女儿贝丝(Beth)在亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)攻读商务和艺术史,她说本季她最喜欢的泳装有两款,其中一款是她在网上看到的杜嘉班纳的复古泳装,其上装采用了提升聚拢设计、腰部为沙漏型高腰设计并且融入了蝴蝶结和绉边元素,另一款是她在诺德斯特龙时尚百货店(Nordstrom)看到的Marc by Marc Jacobs的高腰连体式泳衣。

'I'm really only interested in the trendy look. I want that silhouette,' says Beth Neibergall, a size 4 who says she owns at least 10 swimsuits. 'I don't really have any concerns as a 21-year-old about how it's going to fit,' she says.


Land's End, too, has found that younger women like the more retro styles, though the trend toward celebrating the 'hourglass look' crosses all ages, says Suzanne Bryant, vice president of design at Land's End.

Land's End主管设计的副总裁苏珊娜•布莱恩特(Suzanne Bryant)说,该公司也发现尽管主打"沙漏型款式"的泳装潮流在各个年龄层都很风靡,年轻女性确实偏爱更加复古的款式。

Ultrafeminine details such as sweetheart necklines, ruching, and ruffled skirts on suits are hot sellers, she says. 'The more feminine styles that we put into the line this year, the customer has really gravitated to,' Ms. Bryant says.


This is a big turnabout from the hard-body look with high-cut legs and plunging V necklines -- launched in the 1980s but long-surviving -- or the teeny bikinis of recent years. 'That high-rise leg is so sexy, but it's very hard to pull off,' says Jenny Pyle, designer of the 1 Sol swimwear brand. Her customer, she says, is much like herself: 'We're in our 30s. We have kids. We don't want to have our butt hanging out,' she says.

与始于上世纪80年代但经久不衰的三角式和深V领设计的硬朗风格相比,又或者是与近些年的迷你比基尼相比,今年的泳装风格可谓是来了一个180度大转变。泳装品牌1 Sol的设计师珍妮•派尔(Jenny Pyle)说,"那种平角泳装性感极了,不过就是脱下的时候很不方便。"她说,客户的情况与她本人很相像,"我们都是30多岁的人,也都有孩子,所以我们不想自己的臀部露在外面晃来晃去。"

Swimwear designer Malia Mills is known for her retro looks inspired by women's underwear of yore. This year, high-waisted looks such as 'calendar girl' have been big sellers. 'This is a very recognizable fashion moment,' she says. 'People can identify with it.'


Christina Binkley

Christina Binkley