
Family films dominated the box office this weekend, with 'Brave,' the latest film from Walt Disney Co.'s Pixar Animation Studios, capturing the top spot.

刚刚过去的这个周末,北美票房榜单上以老少咸宜的家庭影片为主。其中,迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)旗下皮克斯动画工作室(Pixar Animation Studios)的最新影片《勇敢传说》(Brave)夺得票房冠军。

'Brave,' which features Pixar's first female heroine, the Scottish teenager Princess Merida, took in $66.7 million in its first weekend in theaters, a total that places it ahead of the openings of other Pixar movies including 'WALL-E' and both 'Cars' films, but behind 'Up' and 'Toy Story 3.'

拥有皮克斯首个女英雄角色──苏格兰少女梅里达公主(Princess Merida)的《勇敢传说》在上映后的第一个周末获得6,670万美元票房,在皮克斯出产的影片中,这要好于《机器人总动员》(WALL-E)和《汽车总动员》(Cars)等影片上映之初的表现,但落后于《飞屋环游记》(Up)和《玩具总动员3》(Toy Story 3)在上映后首个周末的票房收入。

The computer-animated movie opened on 4,164 screens, taking in an average of $16,028 per theater.


Following 'Brave' at the box office was another animated family film, 'Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted,' from DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc. The movie, in its third week in theaters, grossed $20.2 million, bringing its cumulative domestic grosses to $157.6 million.

票房成绩排在《勇敢传说》后面的也是一部老少咸宜的动画片,即梦工厂(DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc.)出品的《马达加斯加3》(Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted)。该片已经上映三个星期,上周末吸金2,020万美元,它在美国市场的累计票房为1.576亿美元。

The two animated features were trailed by 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter,' from News Corp.'s Twentieth Century Fox, in which the 16th president of the U.S. battles vampires who are attempting to take over the country.

排在这两部动画片之后的是新闻集团(News Corp.)旗下二十世纪福克斯(Twentieth Century Fox)出品的《吸血鬼猎人林肯》(Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter),该片讲述的是美国第16任总统林肯与企图控制美国的吸血鬼作战的故事。

The film earned $16.5 million in its opening weekend, coming in ahead of another Fox movie, 'Prometheus,' which took in $10 million in its third week in theaters. Cumulative domestic grosses for 'Prometheus' now stand at $108.5 million. (News Corp. also owns The Wall Street Journal.)


'Snow White and the Huntsman,' from Comcast Corp.'s Universal Pictures, continued a slow burn at the box office, earning $8 million in its fourth week in theaters, bringing its cumulative domestic grosses to $137.1 million.

上映已四周的康卡斯特公司(Comcast Corp.)旗下环球影业(Universal Pictures)出品的《白雪公主与猎人》(Snow White and the Huntsman)延续后发制人的态势,上周末获得了800万美元的票房,它在美国市场的累计票房为1.371亿美元。

'Snow White' was followed by two films that suffered soft openings last weekend, 'Rock of Ages' and 'That's My Boy.'

紧随其后的是两部出师不利的影片:《摇滚年代》(Rock of Ages)和《爸爸的好儿子》(That's My Boy)。

'Rock of Ages,' the Broadway jukebox musical-turned-movie featuring Tom Cruise, took in $8 million, bringing its cumulative domestic grosses to $28.8 million, while the Adam Sandler vehicle 'That's My Boy' earned $7.9 million, bringing its cumulative domestic total to $28.2 million.

《摇滚年代》改编自百老汇音乐剧,由汤姆•克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)担纲主演,上周末吸金800万美元,美国市场票房累计达2,880万美元。亚当•桑德勒(Adam Sandler)主演的《爸爸的好儿子》上周末赚得790万美元,美国市场累计票房为2,820万美元。

Erica Orden

Erica Orden