
A race to liberatecomputer users from the mouse is kicking into high gear, inspired by the potential of turning hands and other body parts into digital controllers.


The goal: to manage computers and other devices with gestures rather than pointing and clicking a mouse or touching a display directly. Backers believe that the approach can make it not only easier to carry out many existing chores but also take on trickier tasks such as creating 3-D models, verifying whether clothes fit, training athletes and browsing medical imagery during surgery without touching anything.


Such possibilities have spurred furious action at some high-tech heavyweights, including Microsoft Corp., Apple Inc., Google Inc. and companies that make televisions, computers and other hardware. Microsoft, which helped ignite the action with the 2010 introduction of its Kinect accessory for gaming consoles, on Monday is updating the software that allows developers to build applications for the PC version of the product.

这一趋势促使一些高科技巨头义无反顾地投身于研发工作,如微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)、苹果公司(Apple Inc.)、谷歌公司(Google Inc.),以及电视机、电脑等硬件的生产商等。2010年,微软在其游戏机上推出Kinect体感外设。2012年5月21日,微软进一步升级软件,允许软件开发者为PC版的Kinect开发应用程序。

Meanwhile, smaller entrants are developing inexpensive gesture-based products to help bring the technology to a mainstream audience. A start-up called Leap Motion on Monday will begin taking orders for a $69.99 device that allows users to control any desktop or laptop computer by waving their hands and fingers in the air.

与此同时,为促进体感技术的普及,一些小厂商也在研发价格低廉的体感产品。5月21日,一家名为Leap Motion的初创企业开始销售一款售价69.99美元的设备,用户在空中挥舞手掌和手指就能控制台式机或笔记本电脑。

The gadget, which resembles a pack of gum, is designed for particularly precise actions. Where devices like Microsoft's Kinect track larger movements -- like the action of swinging a tennisracket -- Leap Motion says its technology can let a person write words or draw a picture, as it tracks motions within fractions of millimeters.

该设备的外型颇似一盒口香糖,专为跟踪精确动作而设计。与微软Kinect擅长捕捉诸如挥舞网球拍等大幅度动作不同,Leap Motion表示其技术可以捕捉到用户写字或画画等动作,感应区间精确到次毫米级。

David Holz, Leap's chief technology officer, demonstrates how the Leap allows users to rotate and zoom in on a digital globe with one motion, something that would take several steps using a mouse or a touch screen.

Leap Motion首席技术长戴维•霍尔兹(David Holz)向人们展示了用户如何用一个动作就可以旋转和放大一个数字球体,而用鼠标或触摸屏完成类似操作需要好几个步骤。

'It really makes you feel connected,' says Mr. Holz, during an interview in the company's bunkerlike basement office in San Francisco. By contrast, existing tools that control computers 'don't work like real life.'


Not every interaction with a computer will necessarily be enhanced by gestures. But new interfaces have consistently defined winners and losers in the technology industry -- such as Apple's pivotal backing of the mouse on the Macintosh in the 1980s and touch-screen applications since 2007 with its iPhones and, later, iPads.


Apple hasn't publicly tipped its hand, but a person familiar with the matter said it has been studying gesture-based technology for years. It has patented an invention for allowing users to manipulate three-dimensional interfaces without touching a screen. Apple declined to comment.


Backers believe gesture-based technology, along with voice-activation technology, will inspire entirely new kinds of devices and applications, such as robots that recognize and interact with humans based on their movements or physical therapy training programs that can tell whether someone is performing exercises correctly.


The field is attracting some venture-capital money. Bot Square Inc., whose Flutter app parses images from a webcam to allow users to play and pause iTunes and Spotify music libraries with a hand wave, has raised $1.4 million from venture capitalists Andreessen Horowitz, NEA and others. The Mountain View, Calif., company plans to release other apps and support for additional gestures soon, says CEO Navneet Dalal.

该领域正在吸引风险资金的涌入。Flutter这款应用程序能分析电脑摄像头获取的画面,让用户挥挥手就能播放或暂停iTunes和Spotify上的音乐。其开发商Bot Square Inc.已从安德森•霍洛维茨基金(Andreessen Horowitz)和恩颐投资(NEA)等风投企业获得140万美元的资金。这家公司位于加州山景城(Mountain View),其首席执行长奈夫尼特•达拉尔(Navneet Dalal)表示,公司计划推出其他一些手势应用程序,并将加入对新手势的支持。

Leap Motion has raised a total of $14.55 million from Highland Capital Partners and Founders Fund as well as Andreessen Horowitz and others.

Leap Motion已从高原资本(Highland Capital Partners)、创达基金(Founders Fund)和安德森•霍洛维茨基金等公司那里募集到1455万美元的风险投资。

Microsoft's existing version of Kinect for Windows PCs -- introduced earlier this year -- tracks the motions of an entire body, but the company says its updated software will allow tracking of more joints, including head, neck and arms.


Craig Eisler, general manager for Kinect for Windows, says the existing version of the software has been downloaded more than 350,000 times by developers. Potential uses include helping surgeons view 3-D medical imagery while operating, and creating cheap 3-D body scanners.

Windows Kinect软件负责人克莱格•埃斯勒(Craig Eisler)指出,现有版本的Kinect已被软件开发人员累计下载超过35万次,其潜在的应用领域包括帮助医生一边做手术一边查看三维医学图像,以及提供成本较低的三维人体建模。

Other variations of the concept are in the works. Google recently offered a sneak peak of specially modified glasses that give the user information about the world around them, combining sensors and voice recognition along with gesture control.


At PrimeSense Ltd., an Israeli developer of motion-sensor technology, Tal Dagan, vice president of marketing, envisions gesture technology being embedded in signs that can change when different people are standing in front of them and robots that guide shoppers in stores.

PrimeSense Ltd.是一家研发动作传感器技术的以色列软件开发商,负责市场营销的副总裁塔尔•达根(Tal Dagan)认为,体感技术可以应用到很多方面,如对不同人显示不同内容的宣传屏幕,以及商场的导购机器人等等。

Mr. Holz, 23 years old, began working on Leap's technology while in high school. He says he was frustrated by how hard it was to draw a three-dimensional object with a mouse.

现年23岁的霍尔兹从高中时就开始研究Leap Motion的体感技术。他说,当时用鼠标构建一个3D模型非常难,让他感觉十分恼火。

He dropped out of the University of North Carolina Ph.D. program to start the business with a friend from middle school in Florida, Michael Buckwald. For the past year and a half, they and now 20 employees have been working to refine their software and the Leap, which is expected to ship between December and February.

霍尔兹放弃攻读北卡罗莱纳大学(University of North Carolina)的博士学位,与佛罗里达州的中学同学迈克尔•巴克沃尔德(Michael Buckwald)一起创业。在过去的一年半时间里,他们和20名员工一直在改进软件功能和Leap产品,这款体感外设预计将在今年12月到明年2月间发售。

Like the Kinect, the Leap relies on infrared light. The device creates a three-dimensional zone where it can detect minute movements. It can control any software running on a computer it is connected to but the company wants developers to build applications specifically optimized for gesture.


Mr. Buckwald says the company is talking to partners about embedding its technology in laptops and other devices.

巴克沃尔德说,Leap Motion正在与合作伙伴商谈,目的是将其技术应用到笔记本电脑和其他电子设备上。

Jessica E. Vascellaro