
If you've ever cleaned off a cluttered desk, replacing messy stacks of paper with framed photos of people who really matter, you have a rough idea of what Microsoft did with its new Bing search engine this week. Gone are the distracting, multicolored search results. Gone are the lists of recently searched terms that you never looked at anyway. Gone are the search results mingled with Facebook 'likes.'


What's left? A lot of white space, which creates a calmer environment for reading and digesting information. A new middle column, which Microsoft calls Snapshot, displays task-oriented content to help people do things like making restaurant reservations, getting directions or seeing movie times. And Bing's most unusual new feature is a flush-right column called Sidebar designed to automatically surface names of relevant Facebook friends and others around the Web who could best help you with a specific query.


The new Bing is automaticallyavailable to about 20% of users starting Tuesday. If you're not one of the 20%, you can see the new interface and Sidebar on Bing.com/new. By June 1, all features will be automaticallyavailable to everyone.


I've had access to this revamped Bing for the past week, and its prospects are promising. It feels cleaner and clearer. Sidebar's integrated social knowledge of friends linked to Bing through a person's Facebook account -- or people from Twitter and blogs who are suggested by Bing -- can turn the solitude of Web searching into a group activity. For example, a search for Napa Valley restaurants smartly brings up the name of a friend who recently posted a photo album from Napa, a colleague who lists Napa Valley as his hometown as well as a well-known blogger who reviews restaurants in that area. Sidebar maintains a neat list of your queries and the responses, saving you the trouble of hunting through past Facebook posts.

我在过去一周中试用了新版必应,它很有发展前景。它的界面更干净清晰。通过个人与必应相连接的Facebook账户,或Twitter及必应推荐的博客,Sidebar将好友的社会信息进行整合,这将孤立的网络搜索变为了团体活动。例如,搜索纳帕谷(Napa Valley)餐厅,系统会智能地显示出一位最近从纳帕上传了相册的好友,一位家乡在纳帕谷的同事,以及一个评论该地区餐厅的知名博主。Sidebar会保持一个整洁的问答列表,从而免去查找Facebook回帖的麻烦。

Compared with the way Google integrated Google+ 'personal results' with regular search results -- which ruffled a lot of feathers -- Sidebar is more sophisticated.


But Bing's Sidebar faces a challenge: People aren't used to searching like this.


As fun as it is to poll people -- even specifically suggested people -- in queries, we usually search alone. Many of the things I type into Bing are quick ask-a-question-get-an-answer searches, and Sidebar's format requires waiting for someone's response. It's possible that it just takes time to adjust to this new way of searching, but I'm comfortable with the Web sources that I already know and trust. (No offense, Facebook friends.)


Additional partners, including LinkedIn, Foursquare and Quora, will eventually be included to help with queries in Bing's Sidebar. Some of these will work later this summer. For now, Twitter provides the biggest source of people from around the Web who might know the answer to your query.


Bing will continue to make improvements, according to Stefan Weitz, seniordirector of Bing search. By late June or early July, you'll be able to tag friends in queries even if Bing doesn't suggest those people as relevant to a query. This would have helped me when I searched for restaurants in Boston, where my foodie sister has lived for 11 years, though she didn't automatically appear as a suggested source. Then again, when I searched for a Mexican restaurant in Kirkland, Wash., called Cactus, a friend who 'liked' another Mexican restaurant in nearby Seattle popped up in my Sidebar.

必应搜索高级主管维茨(Stefan Weitz)表示,必应将会继续做出改善。到6月下旬或7月初,在提问时,用户将能够把必应不认为与该问题相关的好友标记在提问内。这在我搜索波士顿的餐厅时就能帮上忙,我的美食家妹妹在那里住了11年,虽然她并没有自动显示为一个推荐来源。还有,在我搜索华盛顿州柯克兰一家名叫Cactus的墨西哥餐厅时,"赞"附近西雅图另一家墨西哥餐厅的一个好友就会从我的Sidebar弹出来。

I didn't realize this friend had ever visited Seattle or that he enjoyed one of Seattle's Mexican restaurants enough to 'like' it on Facebook. These helpful, serendipitous experiences may be enough to keep people using the Bing Sidebar.


Bing's Sidebar queries currently have a clumsy way of working with Facebook. If I query three people who are auto-suggested as friends who might know the answer to my question, the query only shows up on my Facebook page, not on the pages of people who were questioned. They must visit my Facebook page to see responses, an extra step that may discourage ongoing conversations. An Activity feed in the Bing Sidebar shows all Facebok friends' query activity, but people look at Facebook more often.

必应Sidebar的提问目前在以一种笨拙的方式跟Facebook合作。如果我询问三个自动被列为可能知道我问题答案的好友,这个提问只会出现在我的Facebook页面,而不会出现在被提问者的页面。他们必须访问我的Facebook页面才能看到回答,这个额外的步骤可能会阻止持续的对话。必应Sidebar里的一个Activity feed会显示所有Facebook 好友的提问活动,但人们看Facebook更频繁。

The middle column of the rebuilt Bing, called Snapshot, doesn't always display content. When it does, it is geared toward helping people accomplish specific tasks, like booking a hotel room or restaurant table. In a search for the Oval Room, a Washington, D.C., restaurant, Snapshot showed a map of its location, four ratings from websites like TripAdvisor, hours of operation and a link to OpenTable for making a reservation.

新版必应的中间栏Snapshot并不总是会显示内容。在显示时倾向于帮助人们完成具体的任务,比如预订酒店或餐厅桌位。搜索华盛顿特区的Oval Room餐厅时,Snapshot会显示其所在位置的地图,TripAdvisor等网站的四个评分,营业时间以及前往OpenTable进行预订的一个链接。

A shrunk-down version of this new Bing -- including its cleaner look, Snapshot and Sidebar -- will be available this week to run on smartphones including Windows Phone, Apple's iPhone, Android phones and RIM's BlackBerrys. Microsoft says it will work on tablets by early July.

新版必应的精简版从上周开始在包括Windows Phone、苹果(Apple)iPhone、安卓(Android)手机和RIM黑莓(BlackBerry)在内的智能手机上运行。新版本包括其更整洁的界面、Snapshot以及Sidebar。微软说新版必应将会在7月初在平板电脑上运行。

The new Bing is sure to get people talking -- and its Sidebar is likely to tell you something you didn't know about a friend that may or may not help you make a decision. But until it gets more accurate and more partners, I'll use Sidebar like a side dish: It won't make a big impact on my overall search experience.


Katherine Boehret