
Sony Corp. and Samsung Electronics Co. are trying to force retailers to rein in discounts on televisions, a tactic aimed at preserving profit margins that may also help protect chains such as Best Buy Co. and Target Corp. from cutthroat online competition.

索尼公司(Sony Corp.)和三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)目前正试图迫使零售商控制电视机价格的打折幅度,这个意在维持利润率的举动或许也可在一定程度上保护百思买(Best Buy Co.)和塔吉特百货公司(Target Corp.)等零售连锁店不受网购市场残酷竞争的影响。

The new policies by two of the world's largest TV makers prevent U.S. retailers from advertising or selling televisions in stores or online for less than the prices set by the manufacturers. But the manufacturers are taking a gamble if consumers resist the higher prices.


The move comes after average selling prices for flat-screen TVs have fallen for three straight years, to $545 last year from $644 in 2009 -- a 15% decline, according to the Consumer Electronics Association. TV prices are down even though consumer TV sizes are rising -- 38 inches on average in the first quarter of 2012, from 33 inches in 2007.

据美国消费电子协会(Consumer Electronics Association)统计,这两家制造商出台该政策之前,平板电视的平均售价已连续三年下滑,从2009年的644美元降至去年的545美元,降幅达15%。电视机的价格一路走跌,而电视屏幕的尺寸却不断增大,从2007年的平均33英寸增至2012年第一季度的平均38英寸。

The sliding prices have wounded Best Buy, the world's largest electronics chain by revenue, which reported a 25% drop in earnings Tuesday hurt by declines in sales of TVs and computers.


Analysts believe the manufacturers' tougher stance on TV pricing may help shield store chains from shoppers who check out new models in stores, only to buy them for less online from Internet merchants such as Amazon.com Inc., a practice known as 'showrooming.'

分析人士认为,制造商在电视机定价方面采取更为强硬的立场或许有助于保护连锁零售商,因为有些消费者来实体店只是为了对新款电视机有个直观的了解,真正购买时则会去亚马逊公司(Amazon.com Inc.)等在线购物网站,同样的商品在那里更为便宜。这种做法通常被称为"买前验货"(showrooming)。

Companies such as Apple Inc. have long had tough policies restricting the prices at which their products can be sold -- indeed Sony itself has used such policies to restrict discounting of camcorders and videogame consoles. And the U.S. Supreme Court has declared manufacturers have the legal right to force retailers to adhere to minimum prices at which a product can be advertised.

长期以来,苹果公司(Apple Inc.)等企业在限制产品售价方面的政策一直非常严格。实际上,索尼也采用这类政策,以限制摄像机和游戏机的价格折扣。美国最高法院曾宣布,制造商拥有迫使零售商在进行产品宣传时遵循最低售价政策的合法权利。

But companies have been reluctant to hold the line on TV pricing because they feared losing sales to rivals, especially as innovations such as 3-D failed to spur an increase in purchases.


While industry experts are skeptical the manufacturers will stick with the policies if sales sag, some retailers said a change was long overdue.


'It got to the point where we were selling $2,000 TVs and making $10,' says Billy Abt, co-president of Abt Electronics, one of the country's largest independent consumer electronics retailers. 'This allows us to make a reasonable profit.'

美国规模最大的独立电子产品零售商之一Abt Electronics的联席总裁阿伯特(Billy Abt)说,我们已经到了卖2,000美元的电视只赚10美元的地步,这个政策让我们有机会获得合理的利润。

Target, Best Buy, Amazon and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. all declined to comment on the move by Sony and Samsung. But in an earnings call Tuesday, Mike Vitelli, Best Buy's president of U.S. operations, said an increasing number of its consumer electronics vendors have begun to implementstrict pricing policies.

塔吉特、百思买、亚马逊和沃尔玛(Wal-Mart Stores Inc.)都拒绝评论索尼和三星此举。但百思买美国区总裁维泰利(Mike Vitelli)周二在介绍公司收益情况的电话会议上说,该公司越来越多的消费电子门店都已开始执行严格的定价政策。

Sony and Samsung confirmed that they began enforcing the new policy last month, but declined to say what they would do to merchants that didn't follow their rules. People close to the industry predicted the TV makers would cut off financing they typically provide retailers to help market new products, and possibly even stop shipping TVs to offending retailers.


The move isn't without risk. Only two of the top five TV makers are enforcing price controls, and they risk losing sales to rivals LG Electronics Inc., Panasonic Corp. and Sharp Corp. that are still willing to let retailers discount steeply.

此举并不是没有风险。前五大电视机生产商当中只有两家在实行价格管制,因此索尼和三星可能会把销量送给仍然愿意让零售商大幅打折的竞争对手LG电子(LG Electronics Inc.)、松下(Panasonic Corp.)和夏普(Sharp Corp.)。

'We don't think we should dictatepolicy between a retailer and a customer transaction,' says Jay Vandenbree, U.S. head of the LG Home Entertainment business.

LG家庭娱乐业务(LG Home Entertainment)美国区负责人范登博雷(Jay Vandenbree)说,我们认为零售商和客户之间的交易政策不应由我们决定。

The number of TVs sold to retailers and other dealers has dropped by 1.3% in the past three years, according to the Consumer Electronics Association, setting off a fierce battle among manufacturers to preserve market share.


'The set makers have been losing money for years and now they're desperate,' says Paul Gagnon, director of North American TV market research for NPD DisplaySearch. Sony, Panasonic and Sharp in recent weeks all reported record quarterly losses stemming in large part from their weak TV divisions.

研究公司NPD DisplaySearch的北美电视机市场研究部门负责人加尼翁(Paul Gagnon)说,电视机生产商多年来一直亏钱,现在它们在铤而走险。索尼、松下和夏普近几个星期都宣布上一财季的亏损额达到创纪录水平,这在很大程度上是因为电视机部门表现不佳。

Retailers haven't fared much better. After reporting lower-than-expected sales during the holiday period, Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel sent manufacturers a letter asking for their support in combating 'showrooming' by creating special products that would help it stand apart from competitors, and helping them match online rivals' prices.

零售企业的表现也好不到哪里去。在宣布假日期间销售低于预期之后,塔吉特的首席执行长Gregg Steinhafel致信制造企业,希望它们为扼制"买前验货"现象提供支持,具体做法是为塔吉特开发能让它从竞争对手中脱颍而出的特别产品,同时让其产品的价格与网上竞争对手相当。

Still, some analysts doubt the pricing policies will have much effect without all the big makers on board.


'The real test will be the holiday when everyone is fighting for market share,' says David Strasser of Janney Montgomery Scott. 'If Amazon breaks the policy, will the manufacturers stop shipping product or cut off marketing dollars? We'll see.'

金融服务公司Janney Montgomery Scott的斯特拉瑟(David Strasser)说,真正的考验将是大家都争夺市场份额的假日销售季;如果亚马逊违反这一政策,制造企业会停止供货还是切断营销资金?等着看吧。

Ann Zimmerman