
I should have finished my spring cleaning by now, but my windows remain unsqueegeed, my top shelves undusted. And while looking at the junk drawers waiting to be sorted, I started to ask myself the tough questions: What about the digital disorder that's messing with my virtual feng shui? It was time to get my sprawling and neglected digital photo collection under control -- a task I've been putting off since the heyday of the Zip disk.

按理说我现在应该做完春季大扫除了,可是玻璃窗还没擦,书架顶上的灰尘也还没掸。看着眼前尚待清理的乱糟糟的抽屉,我开始问自己一个棘手的问题:我那些混乱的数字文件该怎么处理呢?是时间好好整理一下那些被我弃置一旁、越积越多的数码照片了──这件事自我用上压缩磁盘(Zip disk)之后就被我一再拖延。

To find the perfect solution, I canvassed professional photographers, photo editors and amateur enthusiasts. The pros pointed me toward software that was robust but too complicated for my needs. Even Type A friends admitted defeat. One described her system as 'buying bigger and bigger hard drives.'


There must be a better way. I thought maybe if I categorized everything -- the equivalent of buying pretty containers for my household clutter -- it would make me feel better. I tried my hand at tagging -- assigning keywords to images so you can search for them later. But thinking of words to describe all of the events in your life is exhausting. I gave up.


The good news is that even a halfhearted attempt at organizing my photos made my collection manageable. All photo organizing software can sort images by date. The better ones can recognize faces. That got me in the vicinity of any photo I wanted to find.


Here are the no-nonsense steps I took to get there. Could the approach be more comprehensive? Absolutely. But this is a method for the harried. And, besides, memories are best stumbled upon, not searched for.


