
Yahoo Inc. (YHOO) said Monday that Scott Thompson, its recently deposed chief executive, is leaving without receiving severance pay, though he will keep what are known as make-whole cash and stock the company had given him to make up for compensation left behind at his former employer, eBay Inc. (EBAY).

雅虎公司(Yahoo Inc.)周一说,刚刚宣布辞职的首席执行长汤普森(Scott Thompson)不会获得解雇费,不过他可以保留雅虎给他的补偿性现金和股票,作为他离开上家公司eBay Inc.的补偿。

Yahoo disclosed its partingagreement with Thompson in a regulatory filing, one day after he stepped aside following the Internet company's discovery of evidence that contradicted his claims he wasn't responsible for a glaring inaccuracy in his academic record.


Thompson will leave behind all outstanding but not-fully-vested stock awards, 'with no severance compensation,' Yahoo said. However, he retains the right to a make-whole grant of restricted stock with a value of $6.5 million, which was previously disclosed.


Thompson, who took the top job at Yahoo in January, had been entitled to a total of $22.5 million in potential stock awards, a $1.5 million cash bonus and a $1 million annual salary.


Earlier this month, Hedge fund Third Point LLC, which had been waging a proxy battle for increased control of Yahoo, flagged an inaccurate detail in Thompson's academic record. A Yahoo filing incorrectly stated Thompson had earned a bachelor's degree in accounting and computer science; in fact, he had earned only an accounting degree.

对冲基金Third Point LLC本月早些时候爆出消息称,汤普森的学历描述不属实。该基金曾为增大对雅虎的控制权发动了一场委托书之争。雅虎递交的一份监管文件显示,汤普森获得了会计学和计算机科学学士学位,但实际上他只拥有会计学学位。

After an internal review, Yahoo said on Sunday that Thompson would be replaced by interim CEO Ross Levinsohn, an executive who has been with the company since 2010. Meanwhile, Third Point ended its proxy battle after its leader Dan Loeb and others won Yahoo board seats.

经过内部审查之后,雅虎周日说,将由列文森(Ross Levinsohn)接替汤普森,担任临时首席执行长。列文森从2010年起便一直在雅虎任职。此外,Third Point负责人洛布(Dan Loeb)和其他人获得雅虎董事席位后,该公司结束了委托书之争。

Thompson had been a highly touted president of eBay's PayPal payments unit before joining Yahoo and making headway on an ambitious turnaround effort. Under his leadership, PayPal regularly outpaced eBay's core online auction business in terms of growth.


At Yahoo, Thompson was overseeing efforts to tap new sources of revenue, such as taking more financial interest in online purchases made on the company's websites and pursuing litigation over its large patent portfolio.


In Thompson's employmentagreement filed at the time of his hiring in January, Yahoo said if it terminated him without 'cause,' he would be entitled to severance benefits. If they aren't fired for cause, Yahoo executives are generally entitled to cash severance equal to a year's salary and bonus, and stock options awarded prior to their departure, according to regulatory filings.


A Yahoo spokeswoman declined to comment.


Thompson's predecessor, Carol Bartz, received $3 million in cash severance as a result of her firing last year. Bartz, who had been hired in Jan. 2009, was widely seen as having come up short in her own bid to reverse Yahoo's decline, as it struggles to remain relevant among younger competitors such as Google Inc. (GOOG) and Facebook Inc.

汤普森的前任巴尔茨(Carol Bartz)去年被解聘之后获得了300万美元的离职金。巴尔茨于2009年1月入职,外界普遍认为她缺乏扭转雅虎颓势的能力,而与此同时,雅虎已难以与谷歌(Google Inc.)和Facebook Inc.等更年轻的公司竞争。

Shares of Yahoo rose 2% during the regular session Monday, and were down slightly after hours at $15.45.


In addition to Thompson's separation agreement, the Sunnyvale, Calif., company also disclosed that it's ended its proxy fight with Third Point--which had been on track to get increasingly ugly leading up to Yahoo's annual shareholder meeting this summer.

除汤普森的离职协议外,这家位于加州森尼韦尔市(Sunnyvale)的公司还披露,该公司已经和Third Point结束了委托书之争。在此之前,这场委托书之争已经表现出在今夏的雅虎年度股东会议之前愈演愈烈的趋势。

As part of that agreement, Yahoo says its board will appoint Loeb and his nominees Harry Wilson and Michael Wolf as directors. Those additions come as Chairman Roy Bostock and board members Patti Hart, Vyomesh Joshi, Arthur Kern and Gary Wilson all resign.

作为协议的一部分,雅虎说董事会将同意洛布及其提名的威尔逊(Harry Wilson)和沃尔夫(Michael Wolf)加入董事会。这些新成员加入董事会的同时,董事长博斯托克(Roy Bostock)、董事哈特(Patti Hart)、乔希(Vyomesh Joshi)、克恩(Arthur Kern)和威尔逊(Gary Wilson)将会辞去董事会职务。

John Letzing

John Letzing