
Even in a tough job market, 23% of recent college graduates wouldn't take a post where they couldn't make or take personal phone calls, and 20% would reject a place that didn't let them check personal email, according to a new study from staffing firm Adecco Group North America.

人力资源服务公司Adecco Group North America的一项新研究表明,即使在就业市场形势严峻的形势下,如果一家公司不允许员工接打私人电话,有23%的应届大学毕业生不会接受这样的工作机会。此外如果雇主不允许员工查收个人电子邮件,20%的应届毕业生会拒绝此类工作。

The study, which surveyed more than 500 22- to 26-year-old graduates of four-year degree programs, also found that newly minted graduates are short on patience: Only 3% said they expect to stay at any one job for more than five years, and 33% said they would probably stay three years or less.


And forget about paying dues in a less-than-fulfilling post in order to move up eventually: 91% said they would leave within a year if they don't like their jobs.


'With social media, this generation can see everything their peers are doing. So they feel like they have to move more often to keep up with where their friends and classmates are,' said Janette Marx, senior vice president of Adecco Group North America.

Adecco Group North America高级副总裁马克斯(Janette Marx)说,有了社交媒体,这一代人可以看到他们的同龄人所做的一切,所以他们觉得自己必须经常更换工作以跟上朋友和同学的脚步。

So what are young employees looking for? Topping the list were good health benefits (74%), job security (73%), opportunities for growth and development (68%), work/life flexibility (66%), and high salary (61%).


Lauren Weber