
Yahoo Inc. (YHOO) CEO Scott Thompson apologized to the Internet company's workforce late on Monday for the furor concerning his academic credentials, which were misstated in a regulatory filing and on Yahoo's website.

互联网企业雅虎公司(Yahoo Inc.)首席执行长汤普森(Scott Thompson)周一晚间就其学历问题引发众怒一事向公司员工致歉。他的学历在监管备案文件中以及在雅虎网站上被误报。

'I want you to know how deeply I regret how this issue has affected the company and all of you,' Thompson wrote in an internal email.


'We have all been working very hard to move the company forward, and this has had the opposite effect,' he wrote. 'For that, I take full responsibility, and I want to apologize to you.'


Thompson didn't provide an explanation of how the misstatement occurred, why he signed the regulatory filing--which stated that he had reviewed its accuracy--or how the error went unnoticed. Besides Yahoo documents, the inaccurate information appeared on corporate websites of eBay Inc.'s (EBAY) PayPal unit, his former employer, and other companies with which he was affiliated.

汤普森没有解释其学历误报是如何发生的、他为何在那份监管备案文件上签了字以及怎么没注意到这个错误。备案文件上说,他已看过全文,确定无误。除雅虎文件外,不实信息还出现在了汤普森曾供职的eBay Inc.子公司贝宝(PayPal)及其它公司网站上。

(This story and relatedbackground material will be available on The Wall Street Journal website, WSJ.com.)

雅虎董事会周日和周一举行会议,对此事件展开评估。对汤普森的介绍存在一个错误的表述,称汤普森获得了计算机科学和会计学学士学位。这一错误导致雅虎在今年4月底向监管部门提交了相关文件。雅虎与汤普森的母校斯通希尔学院(Stonehill College)上周证实了雅虎维权派股东Third Point LLC披露的消息,即汤普森仅获得了会计学学位。

Yahoo's board met Sunday and Monday to begin reviewing the circumstances that led to a regulatory filing in late April that included an erroneous statement that Thompson had obtained a bachelor's degree in computer science and accounting. Yahoo and Thompson's alma mater, Stonehill College, last week confirmed disclosures by activist shareholder Third Point LLC that Thompson only earned an accounting degree.


The 54-year-old Thompson wrote that he is providing the company's board with 'whatever they need from me' as it investigates the matter. He added that he hoped the matter would be 'concluded promptly' and asked employees to 'continue to act as one team to fulfill the potential of this great company and keep moving forward.'


Thompson recently announced layoffs of 14% of Yahoo's 14,000-person workforce and a reorganization that placed new emphasis on generating commerce-related revenue.


Late Friday Thompson also emailed employees, asking them to 'stay focused' while the company's board sorts out the mess.


Yahoo shares were up 4 cents to $15.39 in after-hours trading Monday.

Amir Efrati

Amir Efrati

知情人士:雅虎和阿里巴巴探讨新交易 2012-05-05