
When Cindy Ballagh's 10-year-old son Kaden lost his portable videogame recently, she asked him where he last put it. His answer: on his dresser.

迪•巴拉夫(Cindy Ballagh)家住田纳西州的克拉克斯维尔(Clarksville),最近,她10岁的儿子卡登(Kaden)把他的便携式游戏机弄丢了。当她询问儿子还记不记得最后把游戏机放在哪儿了时,儿子说:衣柜里。

After they spent several minutes searching on, under and all around the dresser, she happened to spot the game -- buried in his bed. He had been playing with it there the night before and broke a rule by falling asleep with it, says Ms. Ballagh, of Clarksville, Tenn. Frustrated, she told Kaden he would get in less trouble if he would 'just be honest and tell the truth.'


It's a tense moment -- one almost all parents experience: You look in your child's eyes and realize: 'He's lying.'


Lying is, in truth, a milestone of normal child development and starts as early as age 2. More than one-third of 3-year-olds will lie to keep from getting in trouble, based on research led by Victoria Talwar, an associate professor of developmental psychology at McGill University in Montreal. By ages 4 to 7, more than half of children will lie to avoid punishment, as Ms. Ballagh believes Kaden did, or to gain attention or approval; the same pattern appears in studies in Britain, West Africa and China.

事实上,撒谎是孩子正常成长阶段的一个重要里程碑,最早可能在两岁就会出现。蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学(McGill University)发展心理学副教授维多利亚•塔尔瓦(Victoria Talwar)领导的一项研究显示,三分之一以上的三岁小孩都会撒谎以免惹上麻烦。到了四至七岁,一半以上的小孩都会这么干,要么是为了逃避责罚,巴拉夫认为她儿子就是这样的;要么是为了吸引注意力,或者得到赞成。在英国、西非和中国进行的研究也都显示出类似的结果。

Researchers are taking a new interest in children's lying, using experimental techniques to explore its role in cognitive and moral development and applying the knowledge to court cases and investigations of bullying and other problems. Even though lying is an expected behavior among children, parents influence whether it tapers off or escalates by serving as both police and models of desirable behavior.


The challenge with preschoolers is helping them distinguish between making up a fairy tale and telling a harmful lie. When Krista Hein found a bowl of cereal on the floor, her 4-year-old daughter Syra had an explanation: Monkey, the family's Chinese pug, did it. Another time, Syra grabbed a cookie from the kitchen, telling her mom that Daddy gave her permission.

对于学龄前儿童,尤其需要帮助他们明白编故事和说谎话之间的区别。克里斯塔•海因(Krista Hein) 家住新墨西哥州阿尔布开克市(Albuquerque),有一次,她在家里的地板上发现了一碗麦片,她四岁的女儿西拉(Syra)解释说:是家里养的巴哥犬"猴子"干的。又有一次,西拉从厨房拿了片饼干,并对妈妈说她已经得到了爸爸的准许。

Ms. Hein loves Syra's livelyimagination and doesn't want her to stop telling stories about princesses and magic kingdoms. To teach her that lying to cover up a misdeed is bad, she talks about potential consequences, such as losing friends or hurting others' feelings. If Syra honestly admits she broke a rule, Ms. Hein, who lives in Albuquerque, N.M., expresses her approval.


Parents are remarkably bad at detecting their children's lies. In experimental studies of preschoolers, parents were able to detectaccurately when their children were lying only 53% of the time -- a little better than chance, according to a 2010 study led by Dr. Talwar. That falls to 33% by the time their kids are 6 to 8 years old. And parents of 9- to 11-year-olds have only about a 1 in 4 chance of knowing when their kids are lying.


Moms and dads have what researchers call 'a truthfulness bias.' They want and need to believe their kids are telling the truth.


And 'there's no Pinocchio's nose' to serve as a reliable signal that a child is lying, Dr. Talwar says. Sometimes kids will glance away uneasily, shift from one foot to the other or cross arms in front of the body -- but not always. Also, kids get better at concealing lies as they grow older, says researcher Angela Crossman, an associate professor of psychology at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at City University of New York.

而且,塔尔瓦博士称,也没有像"匹诺曹的鼻子"这样可以准确判断孩子说谎的信号。有时候孩子在说谎时会目光闪烁游离,双脚不停变换重心,或者双臂交叉于胸前。但有时候又并非如此。况且,纽约城市大学(City University of New York)约翰杰伊刑事司法学院(John Jay College of Criminal Justice)心理学副教授、研究员安吉拉•克罗斯曼(Angela Crossman)也指出,孩子越大就越擅于掩饰谎言。

And the cleverest lies are often told by the most focused and socially savvy kids. To tell a plausible lie, children must be able to understand how others see things. They also have to be able to maintain an alibi in the face of parental questioning and scrutiny. Children with good 'executive function' skills, including self-control and the ability to focus on tasks, tend to be more skillful liars, Dr. Talwar says.


Adults set a confusing example by lying once a day, on average, based on a 1996 study led by researchers at the University of Virginia. Daily diaries of 147 participants' interactions with others showed that about 1 in 4 of the instances were white lies. Most of the others were attempts by study participants to appear kinder or smarter to others, or to avoid embarrassment.

弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)研究人员1996年组织的一项研究显示,成年人平均每天要撒一次谎,本身就没有给孩子树好榜样。对147名研究对象与他人互动的逐日跟踪记录显示,大约四分之一的说谎属于善意的谎言。其他大部分谎言也是因为研究对象希望自己显得对他人更友好或比他人更聪明,或者是为了避免出现尴尬。

Parents who lie for convenience's sake, by calling in 'sick' at work to attend a sporting event, for example, suggest truthfulness doesn't matter. Or they might give mixed signals, such as, 'Get A's at all costs,' but 'Don't cheat,' fostering the kind of stress that can lead to cheating.


As children get older, they typically tell more white lies and fewer harmful ones. In a 2010 study of 120 children ages 7, 9 and 11, researchers at Beijing Normal University in China found kids increasingly told altruistic lies to avoid hurting others' feelings. By the teen years, some kids lie to pull away from their parents and gain privacy, but often lack the skills to handle the resulting challenges. On CafeMom.com, where lying generates numerous posts from parents, one mother wrote that her teen lied to cover up that he was being bullied at school because he wanted to handle it himself. When the mom realized why her son was struggling, she arranged counseling to help him cope.

随着孩子年龄渐长,他们一般会更多说善意的谎言,更少说一些有害的谎话。北京师范大学(Beijing Normal University)的研究人员在2010年针对七岁、九岁和11岁的120位儿童的研究发现,孩子会越来越多地说一些不伤害他人感情的利他主义谎言。在青少年时期,一些孩子撒谎是为了与父母保持距离,保护自己的隐私。但他们往往不善于应对父母的质疑。在妈妈社交网站CafeMom.com上,家长们关于孩子撒谎所发布的帖子不计其数。一位母亲写道,她十几岁大的儿子对她撒谎,只为掩盖自己在学校遭到欺凌的事实,因为儿子想独自解决这个问题。这位母亲意识到儿子的困扰后,为他安排了心理咨询,帮助他度过难关。

More than half of parents have been troubled by a child who lies regularly, usually between the ages of 2 and 7, according to a recent poll of 125 parents by the parenting website BabyCenter.com. Harsh punishments don't work very well, research shows. Instead, psychologists say parents should get professional help if a child's lying becomes a habit or disrupts normal activities, such as friendships or school. Lying can be one sign of a what mental-health professionals call conduct disorder if children also have other problems, such as aggression, truancy from school or drug abuse, the American Academy of Pediatrics says.

根据育儿网站BabyCenter.com最近对125位家长所做的调查,超过一半的家长被孩子经常撒谎的问题困扰过,这样的孩子通常处于二至七岁这个年龄段。研究显示,严厉责罚的效果并不好。相反,心理学家表示,如果孩子说谎成习,已经严重到影响交友、上学等日常活动,那么家长就应该寻求专业的帮助。美国儿科学会(American Academy of Pediatrics)表示,倘若孩子还存在其他一些问题,如喜欢挑衅、旷课、嗑药等,说谎就可能是一种被专家称之为"品行障碍"的精神疾病的征兆。

Creating an environment where truth is valued can help clear the fog. Kelly Gorski's 3-year-old daughter Lucidia was confused at a recent dinner gathering when she saw a guest compliment the host on her cooking, just minutes after they had overheard the same guest say privately that she disliked the meal.

营造"诚实可贵"的氛围可以帮助孩子树立正确的价值观。凯莉•戈尔斯基(Kelly Gorski) 家住宾夕法尼亚州阿伦敦(Allentown),她三岁的女儿路西蒂亚(Lucidia)在最近一次晚宴上就看到了令其困惑的一幕。她和女儿先是见到一位客人夸赞女主人厨艺精湛,几分钟后她们无意中又听到这位宾客私下里说自己不喜欢这顿晚餐。

Ms. Gorski explained that the guest was trying to avoid hurting the host's feelings. Then she gave Lucidia an alternative: 'You can tell the truth without hurting someone' by finding something else to praise -- saying, for example, that she appreciated the effort in preparing the meal, says Ms. Gorski, of Allentown, Pa.


The lesson, Ms. Gorski says: It's important 'to be an honest person, but there are many ways to communicate the truth without being blunt or forceful or harsh.'


Sue Shellenbarger

Sue Shellenbarger