
Customers shopping for Apple Inc.'s (AAPL) iPhone might pay little attention to the gadget's 'slide to unlock' feature, but you would never know that from a quick glance at Apple's current roster of patent lawsuits.

买苹果公司(Apple Inc.)iPhone产品的顾客也许很少留意这个小玩意的"滑动解锁"功能,但看看苹果公司的专利诉讼案件登记册,你就会明白这个功能还是很有威力的。

The technology company has secured two key U.S. patents on slide-to-unlock--a technology that lets users wake a dormant phone with a finger-swipe across the screen. And it is wielding those patents like swords against rivals around the world.


In recent months, Apple has sued HTC Corp. (HTC, 2498.TW) in Delaware and Germany over one of those patents and others. It has used the patents to fight back against suits Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. (MMI) filed against it in Miami and Germany. And it has invoked them in lawsuits against Samsung Electronics Co. (SSNHY, 005930.SE) in Australia, the Netherlands, and San Jose, Calif.

近几个月来,苹果公司在美国特拉华州和德国对宏达电公司(HTC Corp.)提起了专利诉讼。对于摩托罗拉移动股份有限公司(Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc)在美国迈阿密和德国状告苹果公司的案子,苹果公司也用专利权进行了反击。苹果公司还高举专利的大旗在澳大利亚、荷兰和美国加利福尼亚州的圣何塞对三星电子公司(Samsung Electronics Co.)提起了诉讼。

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