
If you're thinking of buying a new laptop this spring, my advice is to think again. Unless your laptop is on its last legs and you have to move quickly, there are compelling reasons to wait until at least the summer, and probably the fall, to buy a new machine, especially if you are looking for a Windows PC, but even if you are in the market for a Mac.


That makes this annual spring buyer's guide a bit different. People always worry that buying tech products today carries a risk of obsolescence. Most of the time, that fear is overblown. But this spring really is a bad time to buy a new laptop, because genuinely big changes are due in the coming months.


On the PC side, Microsoft is set to introduce Windows 8, the most radical new version of Windows in years, probably in the fall. PC makers will be introducing new laptop designs to take advantage of it. While Windows 8 will work with a mouse or touch pad and a keyboard, it will be heavily oriented toward tablet-type touch-screen navigation. Many PC makers are planning convertible Windows 8 models for the holiday shopping season that can act as either tablets or regular clamshell laptops.

在PC机方面,微软公司(Microsoft)准备发布Windows 8操作系统,可能就在秋天。这是历年来最具突破性的Windows版本,PC机制造商将设计新的笔记本电脑以抓住这一契机。虽然Windows 8可通过鼠标、触控板和键盘进行操作,但重点将放在与平板电脑相似的触摸屏导航模式上。很多PC机制造商正计划在圣诞节购物季期间推出可切换的Windows 8个人电脑,既能当平板电脑,也能当普通的翻盖笔记本电脑使用。

If you buy a traditional Windows 7 laptop now, Microsoft says it will very likely be upgradable to Windows 8, but you won't find the new styles of laptops on store shelves now. Even if you buy one of the rare touch-screen laptops now, Microsoft says it will likely work with the touch features of Windows 8, but it may not be optimized to do a great job with the new software. Also, in my view, it is always better, especially with Windows computers, to buy a new machine if you want a new version of Windows.

如果你现在购买一款传统的Windows 7笔记本电脑,虽然微软公司表示将很可能为用户升级到Windows 8操作系统,但你现在买不到那些新款笔记本电脑。即使你现在买到了一款市面上寥寥无几的触摸屏笔记本电脑,即使微软说它可以兼容Windows 8的触摸屏功能,但也可能无法实现充分优化,在新操作系统下流畅运行。此外,以我的经验来看,如果想用新的Windows操作系统,最好还是买一台与之匹配的新电脑,尤其是对于Windows电脑而言。

On the Mac side, Apple also is bringing out a new operating system, this summer. Called Mountain Lion, it won't be as big a change as Windows 8, partly because Apple already has integrated a lot of touch gestures and tablet-type features into the Mac using the touch pad, and has given no indication it plans touch screens.

在Mac机方面,苹果公司(Apple)也正计划在今年夏天推出名为"Mountain Lion"的新操作系统,但更新程度没有Windows 8那么大,部分原因在于,苹果公司已经通过触摸板,将许多触摸手势操作功能和平板电脑功能整合到Mac电脑上;公司也没有给出任何暗示,说打算在Mac机上使用触摸屏。

However, Apple is overdue for redesigned laptops, especially in its MacBook Pro line, and it is a good bet that new, possibly heavily redesigned, models will begin appearing later this year. Current Macs will likely be upgradable to Mountain Lion, but if you buy now, you'll miss out on the likely new hardware.

不过,苹果早该重新设计它的笔记本电脑了,尤其是MacBook Pro产品线。今年下半年,苹果很可能会推出硬件设计发生较大变化的新产品。如果你现在购买Mac电脑,即使操作系统会升级到Mountain Lion,你也无法享用到即将推出的新硬件。

There is another factor that calls for waiting. Intel, whose processors are used by most Windows PC makers and by Apple, is on the verge of introducing a new family of chips, called Ivy Bridge, which the chip maker claims will offer much faster graphics performance without sacrificing battery life. While some Ivy Bridge laptops will be available very soon, the new chips won't show up in large numbers of consumer laptops until around June. So, even before Windows 8 appears, many consumer laptops you buy now will be outclassed by similar machines that will be introduced this summer.

还有另外一个值得你持币待购的因素。英特尔公司(Intel)生产的芯片被大多数Windows电脑制造商以及苹果公司采用,该公司即将推出一个名为Ivy Bridge的全新产品系列,声称其将提供快得多的图形处理能力,同时不额外损耗笔记本的电池续航时间。虽然一些采用Ivy Bridge处理器的笔记本电脑很快就会上市,但这种新处理器要到今年6月左右才会在消费型笔记本电脑市场大量铺开。因此,即使在Windows 8推出之前,你现在购买的消费型笔记本电脑也会在处理器方面被今年夏天的类似产品所超越。

There is a silver lining. If you watch prices carefully, you may find bargains on Windows 7 laptops running the current Intel processors -- which are plenty capable -- as the newer models get closer. And PC makers are likely, at some point, to offer free upgrades to Windows 8.

当然,凡事都有利有弊。随着新款笔记本电脑的临近,如果你放亮双眼,就有可能找到价格极具诱惑力的使用现有英特尔处理器的Windows 7笔记本电脑──机器的运行能力也很不错了。而且,PC机制造商可能会在未来某个时点提供Windows 8操作系统的免费升级。

With all of that in mind, here is a cheat sheet to choosing a laptop now, if you must. As always, these tips are for average consumers doing common tasks -- email, Web browsing, social networking, general office productivity, photos, music, videos and simple games. This guide isn't meant for corporate buyers or for serious gamers and media producers.


Tablet or laptop
