
The Trans-Mongolian Railway leaves in the dead of night.

It departs from an ornate station in Irkutsk, Russia, where wooden houses built by exiled 19th-century intellectuals mingle with blocky Soviet-era buildings. It winds past Russia's vast Lake Baikal, traverses the Mongolian grasslands that Genghis Khan rode his horsemen across on the way to Europe and rattles through the Gobi Desert into China, pulling into Beijing 1,820 miles later.


It is one of the most storied train rides in the world, a journey through raw landscapes and historic realms. For decades, I'd longed to experience it for myself.

出发站装饰得富丽堂皇,位于俄罗斯伊尔库茨克市(Irkutsk),这个城市里混杂分布着19世纪流放知识分子建造的木结构房子与苏联时期方方正正的建筑。列车蜿蜒绕过俄罗斯广阔的贝加尔湖(Lake Baikal)、穿过成吉思汗曾率领骑兵横扫而过直捣欧洲的蒙古大草原、疾驰穿过戈壁沙滩(Gobi Desert)驶入中国境内,再行驶1,820英里后便可抵达北京。

I first fell under the spell of Genghis and his Mongol horde