
Undergraduate business majors are a dime a dozen on many college campuses. But according to some, they may be worth even less.


More than 20% of U.S. undergraduates are business majors, nearly double the next most common major, social sciences and history.


The proportion has held relatively steady for the past 30 years, but now faculty members, school administrators and corporate recruiters are questioning the value of a business degree at the undergraduate level.


The biggest complaint: The undergraduate degrees focus too much on the nuts and bolts of finance and accounting and don't develop enough critical thinking and problem-solving skills through long essays, in-class debates and other hallmarks of liberal-arts courses.


Companies say they need flexible thinkers with innovative ideas and a broad knowledge base derived from exposure to multiple disciplines. And while most recruiters don't outright avoid business majors, companies in consulting, technology and even finance say they're looking for candidates with a broader academic background.


William Sullivan, co-author of 'Rethinking Undergraduate Business Education: Liberal Learning for the Profession,' says the divide between business and liberal-arts offerings, however unintentional, has hurt students, who see their business instruction as 'isolated' from other disciplines.

《对大学商科教育的重新思考:为专业而进行人文学科学习》(Rethinking Undergraduate Business Education: Liberal Learning for the Profession)一书的作者之一威廉姆•苏利文(William Sullivan)称,尽管这并非专业设置者的本意,但商科专业将商科和文科专业区别开来,商科学生认为他们的课程与其他学科毫无联系,这已经对学生造成了坏影响。

Schools are taking the hint. The business schools at George Washington University, Georgetown University, Santa Clara University and others are tweaking their undergraduate business curricula in an attempt to better integrate lessons on history, ethics and writing into courses about finance and marketing.

很多学校已经开始意识到了这一点并有所行动。乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)、乔治城大学(Georgetown University)、圣塔克拉拉大学(Santa Clara University)以及其他一些学校的商学院开始调整他们的商业专业的本科课程,以便更好地将历史、伦理学和写作等课程同金融以及市场营销等结合起来。

Doug Guthrie, dean of the George Washington University School of Business, is planning to draw on expertise in the university's psychology and philosophy departments to teach business ethics and he'll seek help from the engineeringprogram to address sustainability. He expects to introduce the new curriculum, which will also include a core course on business and society, in the fall.

乔治华盛顿大学商学院院长杜格•格思里(Doug Guthrie)正计划从学校的心理学系和哲学系请些专家来教授商业伦理课程,此外他还打算从工程学院系中寻求帮助,来解决能源和环境的可持续性这一课题的学习。他预计将在今年秋季推出一套新课程,这其中还将包括一门关于商业和社会的主修课程。

Such changes should appease recruiters, who have been seeking well-rounded candidates from other disciplines, such as English, economics and engineering. Even financial companies say those students often have sharp critical-thinking skills and problem-solving techniques that business majors sometimes lack.


'Firms are looking for talent. They're not looking for content knowledge, per se,' says Scott Rostan, founder of Training the Street Inc., which provides financial training courses for new hires at a number of investment banks. 'They're not hiring someone just because they took an M&A class.'

为众多投资银行提供新雇员金融培训课程的Training the Street Inc.的创始人斯科特•罗斯坦(Scott Rostan)称,"企业在寻找的是人才,而不是那些书本上的知识。他们雇人不是因为这些人上过并购课。"

Business degrees have been offered since at least the 1800s, but they were often considered vocational programs. Some experts argue that the programs belong at trade schools and that students should use their undergraduate years to learn something about the world before heading to business school for an M.B.A.


Next fall, the University of Denver's Daniels College of Business will provide a required course to teach first-year students how to view business issues in a global context. The class will have instruction in business history, ethics, social responsibility, sustainability and other subjects.

丹佛大学丹尼尔商学院(University of Denver's Daniels College of Business)明年秋季开学后将提供一门必修课,教一年级学生如何以全球视野来看待商务问题。这门课将提供商业历史、伦理、社会责任、可持续性以及其他一些课题的指导。

Introducing such concepts early in students' academic careers should help them 'connect the dots,' says Daniel Connolly, associate dean for undergraduate programs at the business school.

在丹尼尔商学院负责本科课程的副院长丹尼尔•康诺利(Daniel Connolly)说,在学生学习生涯的早期引入这样的内容应该可以帮助他们"将知识点连接起来"。

Even some European schools, which have encouraged a narrow focus in college studies historically, are looking to expand.


'Education is more than technical learning,' says Alfred Vernis, director of university programs at Esade. He says the humanities need to be 'embedded' in the rest of the program. Esade expects to unveil a new undergraduate business curriculum for the fall of 2013.

西班牙Esade商学院大学课程主任阿尔弗雷德•凡尼斯(Alfred Vernis)称,"教育不应只是专业的学习。"他表示,人文学科应该被"嵌入"其他学科之内。Esade商学院计划在2013年秋季推出一套新的本科商科课程。

Are schools going far enough? It's too early to tell, many recruiters say. But in any case companies will probably continue to look at nonbusiness students to ensure a diverse pool.


Facebook Inc., a hot destination for many college graduates, doesn't recruit based on a particular major. 'It's not about what you have or haven't studied,' says Kristen Clemmer Meeks, a recruiting manager at the social-media company. She says some jobs require more analytical know-how, though new hires for those teams can come from business, economics, math or other programs.

Facebook公司是许多大学毕业生找工作时的热门之选,这家社交媒体公司遴选人才并不依据某一专门的专业。该公司招聘经理克丽丝腾•米克斯(Kristen Clemmer Meeks)说,"这和你学过或是没学过什么东西没关系。"她表示,一些工作需要应聘者具备更多的分析能力,这些部门的新员工可能来自商科、经济学、数学或是其他任何专业。

Margaret Copete is director of North America campus recruiting at consultancy Booz & Co., which increased undergraduate hiring 59% this academic year. She says that about a third of the newest class studied business in school, and the rest majored in subjects including math, nursing and economics. At the undergraduate level, Ms. Copete says, she's looking for students with 'the basic building blocks' who can be trained 'to be great consultants.'

玛格丽特•科比特(Margaret Copete)是咨询公司博斯公司(Booz & Co.)负责北美校园招聘的主管,这家公司本学年的本科毕业生招聘人数增加了59%。她表示,大约三分之一的新员工在学校是学习商科的,其余人员学习的专业包括数学、护理和经济学。科比特说,在本科毕业生中,她寻找的是那些具备基本素质,能够被训练成为优秀顾问的人才。

Many schools already require students to take at least some courses outside their business major. Jed Somers, a 22-year-old senior at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, says that while much of his schedule was filled with Wharton-specific requirements, he enrolled in Brazilian drumming and art history, among other courses. (Wharton says about half of its students' courses are in the liberal arts.)

许多学校已经开始要求学生至少学习一些商科主业之外的课程。宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School)的四年级学生、现年22岁的杰德•萨默斯(Jed Somers)称,尽管他大部分时间都排满了沃顿商学院指定的必修课,但他还是选修了巴西鼓和艺术史等等课程。(沃顿商学院表示,该院学生有大约一半的课程是文科课程。)

Mr. Somers will begin a job in fixed-income index product sales at Barclays Capital in July. He believes that studying business helped him secure the position because it showed he's 'passionate' about the field.

萨默斯今年7月份将去巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)上班,从事固定收益指数产品的销售工作。他认为商学院的学习对他得到这个职位有帮助,因为这显示他对这个领域"有激情"。

Tara Udut, the head of campus recruitment for the Americas at Barclays, says that about half the bank's new analyst hires in recent years have come from business, finance, economics or accounting but that 'students from nonfinance backgrounds bring a valuable perspective.' Still, she says, applicants from the liberal arts often need to 'undertake extra due diligence on the industry.'

巴克莱资本负责美国校园招聘的塔拉•乌杜特(Tara Udut)称,该公司近些年来新招聘的分析师中有大约一半来自商业、金融、经济和财会专业,不过"来自非金融专业的学生带来了一个很有价值的视角"。但是她也表示,那些拥有文科学历的应聘者通常需要"对这个行业下额外的苦功夫"。

Melissa Korn

Melissa Korn
