
Of all the confusing technology terms used in consumer marketing today, perhaps the most opaque is '4G,' used to describe a new, much faster generation of cellular data on smartphones, tablets and other devices. It sounds simple, but there are many varieties of 4G and conflicting claims.


AT&T claims 'The nation's largest 4G network,' and T-Mobile says it has 'America's largest 4G network.' Verizon Wireless boasts 'America's fastest 4G network,' and Sprint says it had the first 4G network.

美国电话电报公司(AT&T)号称有"全美最大的4G网络",T-Mobile也自称拥有"美国最大的4G网络"。Verizon Wireless自诩"美国最快的4G网络,"而Sprint则说自己拥有美国首个4G网络。

Yet the technology used by T-Mobile, and mostly comprising AT&T's 4G network, isn't considered 'real' 4G at all by some critics, and the one used by Sprint has proven to be a dead end and is being abandoned. The flavor being used by Verizon is now being adopted by its rivals, but won't be interoperable among them.


It's a headache for consumers to grasp. So here's a simplified explainer to some of the most common questions, based on interviews with top technical officials at all four major U.S. wireless carriers.


What is 4G?