
Google may be making a new contribution to nerd fashion with 'Project Glass,' or eyeglasses that instantly provide users with visual info including messages from friends and map directions.

歌(Google.Inc)正在开发的新产品可能会让书呆子气越发成为一种时尚。这款名为"Project Glass"的新型眼镜能够为用户提供即时可视信息,包括朋友发来的消息和地图导航。

Google posted the first official information about the project on Wednesday. It wasn't immediately clear whether Google actually intends to sell the glasses, or is just showing off some of its creative tech thinking.


The company says it started the glasses project to help users 'explore and share your world, putting you back in the moment.'


'We're sharing this information now because we want to start a conversation and learn from your valuable input,' say Googlers Babak Parviz, Steve Lee, Sebastian Thrun in a blog post.

谷歌公司的帕尔维兹(Babak Parviz),史蒂夫•李(Steve Lee)和史朗(Sebastian Thrun)在一篇博客中说,我们现在公布这一信息,是因为我们想开始交流,从大家那里获得宝贵的建议。

The New York Times reported on the project in February.

《纽约时报》(The New York Times)2月份对该项目进行了报道。

Google posted a number of photos of people modeling glasses with a solid, white bar over one eye. It also posted video showing someone looking out their window to see an instant readout of time and temperature looming on the digital horizon, and seeing an instant message pop up as they eat their breakfast.


Instant walking routes on maps, video chat, voice notes and a camera may be included in the glasses, Google suggests.


Google has a reputation for looking far afield from its search engine as it develops interesting projects driverless cars, for example, or new ways to tap alternative energy. But the Project Glass initiative comes as CEO Larry Page, who took over roughly a year ago, has sought to narrow the company's overall focus around a few core initiatives including search, mobile and social networking.

谷歌曾开发了一些有趣的项目,如无人驾驶的汽车,以及利用替代性能源的新方法,因此,除搜索引擎之外,谷歌在其他领域的广泛兴趣也被外界熟知。但是在谷歌推出Project Glass的同时, 该公司首席执行长佩奇(Larry Page)正在努力让公司的整体注意力更集中于几个核心的项目,如搜索引擎、移动业务和社交网络。佩奇在约一年以前开始担任谷歌首席执行长。

John Letzing

John Letzing