
It sounds a bit too good to be true: A new study has found people who eat chocolate more frequently tend to be thinner than those who consume the sweet treat less often.


Researchers asked about 1,000 adults in Southern California how many times a week they ate chocolate along with questions about other types of food and beverages. Body mass index, which is a measure of body fat, was also calculated as part of the study, which was funded by the National Institutes of Health.

在由美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)资助的一项研究中,研究人员对美国南加州约1,000名成年人进行了调查,问他们每周吃几次巧克力以及其他摄入食物和饮料的相关问题。研究还对衡量体内脂肪指标的身体质量指数(Body mass index,简称BMI)进行了测量。

The participants who ate chocolate more often didn't consume fewer calories overall, or exercise more, than their non-chocoholic counterparts. In fact, the more frequent chocolate eaters consumed more total calories.


But before people hoping to lose weight indulge in an extra scoop of chocolate fudge swirl, the researchers caution that the study doesn't prove a link between frequent chocolate munching and weight loss.


Rather, the findings suggest that the health benefits of chocolate may be linked to how many times in a given week chocolate is eaten rather than the total amount consumed in that week, says the study's lead researcher, Beatrice Golomb, an associate professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego. Eating a small amount of chocolate each of five days during a week was linked to a lower BMI, even if the person ate more calories overall and didn't exercise more than other participants.

该项研究首席研究员、加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校(University of California, San Diego)医学系副教授碧翠丝•格罗姆(Beatrice Golomb)说,研究结果表明,巧克力对健康的益处可能与每周吃多少次巧克力有关,而不是与该周吃掉的巧克力总量有关。一–内有五天每天吃一小块巧克力的人BMI指数较低,即便这个人摄入的总热量较多并且锻炼比其他人少。

'Our findings appear to add to a body of information suggesting that the composition of calories, not just the number of them, matters for determining their ultimateimpact on weight,' says Dr. Golomb.


The findings were published as a research letter in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine.

这些研究结果刊登在了3月26–的《内科医学总览》(Archives of Internal Medicine)的一则研究通讯中。

Dr. Golomb said the weight difference among more frequent chocolate eaters was modest but interesting given that more calories and saturated fat were consumed. Chocolate contains fat in the form of stearic acid.


Other research has shown chocolate's health benefits include a modestreduction in blood pressure and cholesterol.


'It's my favorite vegetable,' Dr. Golomb says. She explains that chocolate contains antioxidants like epicatechin, which other research has shown appears to boost the energy-producing elements of the body's cells.


Previous findings from the current study, however, point to a downside from eating chocolate: People who ate more chocolate were more likely to be depressed.


The study participants on average ate chocolate two times a week and exercised 3.6 times a week. Their average age was 57 and nearly 70% were men. They had an average body mass index of 28, which is considered overweight. The adults in the chocolate study were initially screened for separate research on cholesterol-lowering drugs.


Lauren Graf, a nutritionist at Montefiore Medical Center, in Bronx, N.Y., says if a person is going to eat chocolate, a daily dose of dark chocolate 'probably is the best way to go.' Dark chocolate has a higher concentration of antioxidants than milk chocolate and tends to have less sugar. Many nutritionists and doctors suggest sticking to about an ounce of chocolate a day -- less than a regular-size chocolate bar. (A 1.44-ounce sized bar of Dove dark chocolate, for example, contains 220 calories with 120 of those calories coming from fat, according to the label.)

纽约布朗克斯区蒙蒂菲奥里医疗中心(Montefiore Medical Center)的营养学家劳伦•格拉夫(Lauren Graf)说,如果一个人要吃巧克力,每天一定量的黑巧克力"可能是最好的方式"。黑巧克力的抗氧化剂浓度比牛奶巧克力高,并且含糖量较少。很多营养学家和医生都建议每天坚持吃大约一盎司的巧克力,即略小于一块普通大小的巧克力。(例如从标签来看,一块1.44盎司的德芙(Dove)黑巧克力含有220卡路里热量,其中120卡路里来自脂肪。)

To see if chocolate really does have a positiveimpact on weight, Dr. Golomb says, a study specifically designed to compare chocolate eaters to non-chocolate eaters needs to be conducted. One stumbling block: Coming up with a fake chocolate placebo that appears like the real thing.


Corbett Dooren

Corbett Dooren