
Farewell C-3PO, we hardly knew you.


The world's most popular service robot (that is, not one that is in a factory) looks like an enormous ice hockey puck and vacuums your carpets.


The Roomba, made by iRobot, doesn't look anything like any of science fiction's robots, dating from their inception by Karel Čapek in his 1920 play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots), through Rosie the Robot in the 1960s Jetsons, and ending with any number of robots from Star Wars' C-3PO, through to Sonny in the 2004 movie I, Robot. We are supposed to be living in the age of the humanoid robot. So what went wrong?

Roomba跟任何一部科幻小说中的机器人长得都不像。科幻作品中的机器人最初出现在卡雷尔•恰佩克(Karel Čapek)1920年的戏剧《罗萨姆的全能机器人》(Rossum's Universal Robots)中,后来有20世纪60年代《摩登家庭》(Jetsons)中的机器人罗茜(Rosie),以及《星球大战》(Star Wars)中的C-3PO和2004年电影《我,机器人》(I, Robot)中的桑尼(Sonny),等等。在这些科幻作品中,我们都是生活在一个人形机器人的时代。那么哪里不对呢?

Building human robots turns out to be a big challenge, said Professor Giorgio Metta of Genova's Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. Humans are very, very good at being human. Robots aren't.

热那亚(Genova)意大利理工学院(Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia)的教授乔治•梅塔(Giorgio Metta)称,事实证明,制造人形机器人是一项巨大挑战。人形对于人类而言非常非常适合,但对于机器人却不是。

At the at the recent InnoRobo conference held in Lyon Mr. Metta was demonstrating iCub, a robot about the size of a small child. 'There is this general belief that robots will be very powerful. In fact electric motors are nothing like as powerful as human muscles,' he said. 'There are fundamental problems in materials, in the structure of the body.'

在里昂(Lyon)最近举行的创新机器人大会(InnoRobo conference)上,梅塔展示了iCub,一个和小孩差不多大的机器人。他说,"人们一般认为机器人非常强大。实际上电动机的力量并不如人类肌肉的力量大。在躯体结构上,有一些基本的材料上的问题。"

If it is so hard, and everyone agrees it is, why do it? Uwe Haass from the Cognition for Technical Systems at Munich's technical university, said the desire to build human-like robots is deeply rooted. 'It is the coronation of the creation. Many roboticists understand the human body as a wonderful creation of God or of evolution. Everything is so fantastic.'

既然这如此困难,而且每个人都承认这很困难,那么为什么还要将机器人做成人形呢?慕尼黑工业大学(Munich's technical university)科技系统认知项目(Cognition for Technical Systems)的尤韦•哈斯(Uwe Haass)说,制造人形机器人的欲望深植人心。"这是创造的最高境界。许多机器人学家认为人体是上帝或进化的绝佳创造,人体的一切都是那么奇妙。"

Will Jackson, CEO of Engineered Arts Limited, a U.K.-based manufacturer of RoboThespian