
What would you do with a spare 10 million yuan burning a hole in your pocket? If you already have a house and a car how about a 'house car'- or fang che otherwise known as an RV?

That was pretty much what some vendors had in mind at the Beijing International Recreational Vehicle and Camping Exhibition recently.


In an open field on the outskirts of the capital, dealers in motor homes, campers and an array of off-road vehicles jostled for the attention of the curious and the well-heeled. For those not quite ready to buy or perhaps in need of something to shake loose those extra bank notes there were helicopter joy rides to the Great Wall for 1,800 yuan.


Maybe not every one of China's 1.3 billion people is ready for a luxury motor home just yet but it's obvious that in car-crazy China automotive bling is starting to hit the road. With the expanding ranks of the rich and leisurely crowd, there is no shortage of people to mimic carefree Americans who can cruise without leaving home. All the more reason for putting a few shiny new toys on display in Beijing.


Curious onlookers filed through a Dynamax Grand Sport GT, visibly impressed, perhaps partly by the 10 million yuan (US$1.6 million) price tag after import duties are tacked on. Stretching more than 11 meters in length, it boasts a queen size bed, shower, refrigerator, sink, toilet and sofa and it seats nine.


'There are lots of well-to-do people,' said Greddy Chan of Zhejiang-based Feishen Group, which distributes the imported luxury RVs along with its own line of golf carts and off-road vehicles. 'This is just the first batch. We've got more on the way.'

好奇的参观者鱼贯穿过一辆Dynamax 公司生产的Grand Sport GT房车,他们受到了震撼,也许部分原因在于人民币1,000万元(合160万美元)的价格标签(含进口关税)。这辆房车长逾11米,配有大号双人床、淋浴、冰箱、水槽、马桶和能容纳九个人的沙发。

Motor homes are still a bit of a novelty in China, but from the looks of things, with the help of a much improved highway system, the road ahead looks clearly marked.

浙江飞神集团的Greddy Chan说,有钱人多的是。飞神公司的主要业务是销售进口豪华房车,以及自己生产的高尔夫球车和越野车。他说,这只是第一批。我们正在进口更多车型。

There could be a few speed bumps, though.


For one, the proud owner of these heavyweight homes will need a specialist driving license (though hiring a driver is not much of a challenge for those with this kind of budget).


The Grand Sport - at 3.8 meters in height - might also have some problems with low overpasses along the way, while driving restrictions in some cities could also limit the fun.


And then, there just aren't that many camp grounds to spend the night.

Grand Sport房车高3.8米,可能无法通过高度较低的天桥。同时,有些城市限制房车上路,这可能有点扫兴。

But for those who just can't bear to leave their home behind when they travel, there are some less costly alternatives. The California Ford E450 - which can seat nine passengers and stretches 9.6 meters in length -comes in at a mere 1.2 million yuan, according to distributor Dalian HeHe RV. And a company called Henan Wuzhou Specialty Vehicle offers a customized camper van that sleeps two and carries a price tag that even China's slightly above average working stiff might able to afford at 340,000 yuan.


'We've been doing this for five years and this market is getting better and better,' said Li Jian, who runs Henan Wuzhou.

但是,对于那些不愿在旅行过程中远离家的舒适的人,还有一些不那么昂贵的车型可供选择。据经销商大连和合房车(Dalian HeHe RV)介绍,一款型号为加利福尼亚福特E450的房车车身长9.6米,能容纳九名乘客,价格只需人民币120万元。河南五洲行特种车辆公司(Henan Wuzhou Specialty Vehicle)推出了一款可容纳两人休息的定制露营车,价格仅为人民币34万元,就连中国收入略高于平均水平的工薪族也可能买得起。

As he spoke, a man who gave his surname as Gao, carefully examined one of the custom roadsters.


'I'm just looking,' he confessed as his wife and one-year old son looked on. 'I'm not ready to buy right now but give me two more years,' he said, clearly anticipating the day when he would get behind the wheel.


Businessman Zhang Jianting seemed to be a little closer to his goal of owning a motor home. He said he already has a house and a car and was now seriously planning to add to his collection.


'It's not a question of price,' he said. 'It's freedom. It means I can go where I want.'


One small drawback for some buyers is the fuel bill for these gas - or diesel - guzzlers. But for some customers, that's not such a big concern. Mr Zhang noted that he runs several gas stations and has a fuel distribution business as well. He at least should be able to say with confidence 'Fill 'er up.'


William Kazer


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