
Road Warrior provides travel tips from those who know best: busy executives and other globetrotters.

我们的"商旅达人"(Road Warrior)系列文章为大家提供各种出行建议。这些建议来自这一领域的专家:常年在旅途中奔波的公司高管和频繁往来于全球各地的人士。

Since Dan Mintz co-founded Beijing-based Dynamic Marketing Group in 1993, it has become one of China's leading advertising and marketing firms, representing Volkswagen, Johnson & Johnson and the U.S.'s National Basketball Association in the country.

丹•明茨(Dan Mintz)1993年在北京联合创立了DMG传播集团(Dynamic Marketing Group),此后该集团成为中国领先的广告营销公司之一,代理大众(Volkswagen)、强生(Johnson & Johnson)以及美国职业篮球联赛(National Basketball Association)在华广告业务。

With the addition of subsidiary DMG Entertainment in 2009, Mr. Mintz has also become a player in the Chinese film industry, producing domestic top-earners such as 'The Founding of a Republic' and 'Beginning of the Great Revival,' and distributing Hollywood properties such as 'Twilight' and 'Resident Evil: Afterlife 3-D.' DMG is now finishing production on 'Looper,' its first major Chinese-Hollywood co-production, starring Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

随着2009年子公司DMG娱乐(DMG Entertainment)的成立,明茨又成为了中国电影业的一员,DMG娱乐制作了《建国大业》(The Founding of a Republic)和《建党伟业》(Beginning of the Great Revival)等高票房的国产片,并发行了《暮光之城》(Twilight)和《生化危机:战胜再生》3D(Resident Evil: Afterlife 3-D)等好莱坞大片。DMG现在即将完成电影《环形使者》(Looper)的制作,这是DMG首部中国与好莱坞合拍的大片,主演包括布鲁斯•威利斯(Bruce Willis)和约瑟夫•高登•维莱特(Joseph Gordon-Levitt)。

Mr. Mintz, a native New Yorker, spoke to the Journal about fending off jet lag with gym time and his favorite hotel in Seoul.


How often are you currently traveling? On average, probably about eight times a month.


Where do you go the most? From Beijing and Shanghai, I go to Seoul, Los Angeles and New York pretty regularly, [with] a little bit of Tokyo sprinkled in there for good measure.


What's your favorite airport? I'd say it's more about the one you can tolerate the most compared to the rest. There is something about knowing your way around an airport intimately that really helps, though. In that respect, I like Beijing Capital, LAX and JFK. I know exactly where I'm going.


How do you keep up with exercise on the road? This is actually how I often choose hotels: I always look for a place that has a rocking gym. I have a little system to keep me going, and part of it is hitting the gym during daylight hours.


What else do you do to fight jet lag? The most important thing is getting to sleep right away after takeoff. If I can crash right away, I'm good.


Favorite hotel? A little boutique hotel in New York called the Surrey, a very hip spot on the Upper East Side. Korea has some very stylish hotels these days. I like the W Seoul a lot great skyline views.

明茨:我觉得应该这样说,和其他机场相比,你最能容忍的是哪一个。不过真正有用的是在一个机场能迅速熟悉地形。从这方面来讲,我喜欢北京首都机场(Beijing Capital)、洛杉矶国际机场(LAX)和纽约肯尼迪机场(JFK),在这几个机场我对自己该怎么走一清二楚。

Do you have a preferred carrier? I'm more interested in what's going to get me from point A to point B the fastest. One thing I always look for are direct flights. This is an issue with being based in Beijing, because not every airline is allowed to fly in and out of here. Air China has the most direct flights to L.A. and New York, so that's the most regular for me. As far as the actual best airline in general, Cathay and Singapore are the strongest. They always have an air of exclusivity and a standard of quality that doesn't slip, whereas some of the bigger Western carriers are pretty hit or miss.


What do you do for in-flight entertainment? I really treasure my time in the air. You're not online. You can't be reached by phone. For someone as busy as I am, it's a great time to concentrate. One of the things I do is look at dailies, which is the raw footage from the projects we're filming. I look at the edits, make comments and changes. By the time we land, I usually have a very defined point of view on where the story should go. It's not quite 'entertainment,' but I find this flight time very useful.


Best in-flight meal? Singapore Airlines has the best first-class meals. They take it seriously.


Essential travel gadgets? I have the usual MacBook Air and iPad. I also have a nice little adapter bag, which keeps all my wires and adapters together. I also always have to remember not to mix up my L.A. phone and China phone.


Favorite luggage maker? Tumi is smart and functional, and Varvatos gives off the right hip-but-professional energy for someone in my industry.


Takeaway travel tip? Unpredictability is the magic of travel