
For years I'd told myself I wasn't an alcoholic. I never drank alone. I didn't wake up with fierce cravings, and sometimes I went for one or two days without drinking. A need to drink all day, every day, was never my problem.


My problem was that once I had a drink -- whether it was at 7 p.m. or 9 a.m. -- I couldn't stop until my body shut down and I passed out in a pile on the floor. I still had plenty of friends and still managed to hold down a job, but my relationship with alcohol was very obviously different from most people's. I was an alcoholic.


As of Saturday, the counter on my website says '878 days.' Eight hundred seventy-eight days since I had my last alcoholic drink. Eight hundred seventy-eight days since I declared -- very publicly -- that my drinking had passed the point where it was funny, crazy or even merely dangerous. In fact, my addiction to alcohol had reached a stage where it was highly likely to kill me.


Enough was enough. So I decided to quit. But I didn't do it in the typical way.


For one thing, I didn't go to Alcoholics Anonymous. Not a single meeting. I have several friends who attend AA and have found it to be a highly effective way to quit. I have plenty of other friends who attend AA meetings every morning and are blind drunk every night. I almost attended a meeting at the suggestion of a friend, but first I decided to read the organization's Twelve Steps, the program that members must follow. The first step was enough to confirm that this form of sobriety wasn't for me:

有一点需要说明,我没有去"嗜酒者互诫协会"(Alcoholics Anonymous, 简称AA)。我从来没参加过一次AA聚会。我有几个朋友参加了AA,并且发现这是很有效的戒酒方式。我也有另外一大堆朋友每天早晨都参加AA的聚会,但每天晚上都喝得酩酊大醉。曾经有那么一次我差点就听从朋友的建议去参加AA了,但我去之前先阅读了一下该组织的"戒酒十二个步骤"(Twelve Steps),这是成员必须遵守的规矩。光看第一个步骤就足以让我确信这种戒酒方式不适合我了。

'We admitted we were powerless over alcohol -- that our lives had become unmanageable.'


Please. You may be weak against alcohol, or seriously addicted to it, but powerless? No. If a drinker were truly powerless, then AA would be useless to him; nothing short of death could stop him from drinking.


I haven't attended a single meeting -- and yet I also haven't had a drop of alcohol in almost 2 1/2 years. By devising my own steps to sobriety, I've repaired relationships, gotten healthy, started a new career and set aside more character flaws than most people will ever have in a lifetime.


I know that I must sound like that obnoxious self-help guy who promises to share the secrets of his perfect life for just a hundred dollars and the soul of your firstborn child. The difference is, I don't have any magical secrets, and I don't want your hundred dollars. In fact, I activelydiscourage you from taking this as gospel. If you decide to quit drinking, you should do it on your own terms and for your own reasons. Still, if you're curious how I did it, here are my steps.


Step One: Ask Yourself, 'Do I Really Have a Problem?'


Recovery culture has set the bar for being an alcoholic very, very low. I happen to think that alcoholism is in the liver of the beholder. If you can have one or two drinks and then go back to your day, you're almost certainly not an alcoholic. If you have a couple of beers and then switch to soft drinks, you're almost certainly not an alcoholic. If none of your friends has ever taken you aside and suggested that your life would be hugely improved by quitting drinking, you're probably not an alcoholic (unless all your friends are alcoholics, too).


Enjoying alcohol doesn't make you an alcoholic any more than enjoying sex makes you a nymphomaniac. Getting drunk can be fun. If you can drink without ruining your life, don't let me -- or anyone else -- stop you.


Step Two: Quit Publicly



It's perfectly possible to get sober without attending meetings and pouring out your darkest secrets to a group of strangers. Now the bad news: It is impossible for an alcoholic to quit drinking in secret. Absolutely 100% impossible.


We alcoholics and former alcoholics have proven ourselves to be very bad at turning down the opportunity to drink. Unfortunately, the world around us is very good at offering us those opportunities -- cocktail parties, dinner parties, birthdays, weddings, happy hours, wakes. As an alcoholic, you will actively -- if subconsciously -- seek out those opportunities, and you will cave in to them. Unless, that is, everyone around you knows that to offer you a drink would be not just a bad idea but a hugely selfish and dangerous one.


When I decided to stop, I wrote an open letter on my blog, explaining that I had a serious problem with alcohol and asking for the support of those around me. Posting on Facebook or Twitter for just your friends would work just as well. If you're worried about your professionalreputation if you 'come out' as an addict, you might want to consider sending a group email to a dozen or so people you trust. Believe me, word will get around. The key is for people you encounter on a day-to-day basis to be aware that you have a problem and are trying to fix it. Those people are the ones who will be your greatest allies in quitting.


Step Three: Don't Fear Failure


I know two people who had one drink after years of sobriety and, unable to face their AA buddies, never went to another meeting. Both are now back on the booze.


If you do screw up once, forget it. You're human. Give yourself one chance, and don't even feel the need to share your failure with anyone. Try to figure out why you fell off the wagon and vow never to do it again.


But if you screw up twice, then you need to admit it: You've failed (this time). Go public with that failure; you'll almost certainly be inundated with offers of support and praise for your honesty. Take all that you're offered. Use that praise to redouble your efforts. Restart your internal clock.


Step Four: Pull Yourself Together


I'm five feet nine inches tall, so at 182 pounds I was technically overweight, if not quite obese. I couldn't jog up even a short flight of stairs without losing my breath. I'd love to say that after quitting I made an immediate decision to get healthy. I didn't. The fact that I'd managed to conquer my addiction to alcohol was achievement enough without punishing my body by denying it pizza or forcing it -- heaven forbid -- to go for a run.


Still, a funny thing happened. Even though I wasn't exercising, I still found myself losing weight. Lots of it. Six months after quitting, the scale was hovering at around 160 pounds. Within a year I was down to 140.


What makes me feel great about not drinking (apart from being able to hold down a relationship, a job and friendships) is how I feel inside: the fact that I'm at my ideal weight and feel fitter and healthier with every passing week.


Step Five: Stop Lying


I'd always had a problem with truth -- not gigantic lies or criminal frauds, just simple fibs that made life easier: excuses for running late, fudged numbers on business plans, vague answers when asked where I'd been the previous night. Shortly after I quit drinking, I also decided to quit lying, cold turkey.


Did I entirely succeed? I'd be lying if I said yes. I've certainly made progress, starting with my confession that I had a serious problem with alcohol. It took me nearly 30 years to realize that, even in the short term, the truth almost always gets a better reaction than lying.


Step Six: Stop Apologizing


In AA, they're very clear on what to do about friends you have wronged. Except where it would be harmful (for them), you should contacteveryone you've upset, apologize, and do some unspecified thing to make it up to them. But this struck me as self-indulgent.


In the weeks and months that follow your decision to quit, your friends will likely be hugely supportive, but the blunt truth is they'll expect you to fall off the wagon sooner or later. Any apology you make during that time will lack impact. 'Fine,' they'll think, 'but if you're really sorry, you'll stay sober.' And so that's what you must do. If you're really sorry for how you've behaved, and genuinelygrateful that your friends are still around, then the best amends you can make is to stay on the wagon. Anything else is just words.


Step Seven: Rediscover Dating


然后我遇到了莫莉(Molly)。我们的第一次约会真是难熬,从斟酒服务员点单的那一刻开始──"啊,我来个健怡可乐(Diet Coke)就可以了"──一直到我们尴尬地拥抱,互道晚安,从头至尾都让我备受折磨。后来我好不容易又约她出来了一次,我决心把自己酗酒的真相告诉她。但她抢先了一步。

During my drinking days, my seduction technique was the same as that of most British men: have an accent and be bold. Sober, the idea of hitting on tipsy women just didn't seem right. I could barely even ask a girl out for dinner, paralyzed by the thought of having to make conversation without a beer in my hand.


And then I met Molly. Our first date was excruciating, from the moment the sommelier took our order -- 'Uh, I'll just have a Diet Coke' -- right through to the awkward hug good night. Having scored a second date by the skin of my teeth, I was determined to tell her the truth about my drinking. But she made the first move.


'So you're an alcoholic?' she said, innocentlystirring her pad thai.


'How did you . . .?' But I knew the answer. 'You read my blog.'


Molly reached across the table and squeezed my hand. 'Honesty is sexy.' I suppose she was telling the truth: We've been together for almost two years. Alcohol used to allow me to be bold with women; sobriety has done that one better.


Step Eight: Replace Your Ridiculous Drunken Stories With Ridiculous Sober Ones


One thing about being an alcoholic is that you get to tell some epic drinking stories. Being a drunk gives you an excuse to meet people you wouldn't otherwise meet, crash parties you wouldn't otherwise crash.

以下就是我的冒险经历:2011年4月份,我对我(当时)在旧金山的老巢感到厌倦了,于是我有了一个在清醒时冒险的念头:我要搬到拉斯维加斯去住一个月,在拉斯维加斯长街(Strip)的每一家酒店各住一晚。在之后的四个星期里,我遇到了曾在法庭上为黑社会老大辩护的拉斯维加斯市长奥斯卡•古德曼(Oscar Goodman),与魔术师克里斯•安杰尔(Criss Angel) 打了一架,还有一次是我在采访一个小丑时被人从脱衣舞俱乐部赶了出来。

It eventually occurred to me, however, that those opportunities were still there, and there was nothing stopping me from chasing them. The only difference between sober adventures and drunken ones is that you're more likely to survive -- and remember -- the former.


And so it was that, in April 2011, feeling tired of my (then) home base of San Francisco, I had an idea for a sober adventure: I'd relocate to Las Vegas for a month, staying a single night in each hotel on the Strip. Over the four weeks that followed, I met Oscar Goodman, the mayor of Las Vegas (who once defended Mafia bosses in court), got in a fight with the magician Criss Angel and got thrown out of a strip club while interviewing a clown.


The best part: I remember all of it.

禁酒主义者会说,"想想如果你戒酒能省下多少钱吧!"这话就好像说酗酒的人没有经济头脑一样。不过,尽管省钱是个很糟的戒酒动机,但它确实能让人获得满意的回报。为纪念戒酒六个月,我花了差不多1,000美元给自己买了一支万宝龙大班(Montblanc Meisterstuck)钢笔。我酗酒的时候从来没为一支钢笔花过这么多钱,因为我经常把贵重物品遗忘在酒吧或者出租车里。这样一件可以放在口袋里的物品可以完美地提醒我自己有了多大的变化。

Step Nine: Spend Money on Stuff You Won't Lose


'Just think how much money you'd save if you gave up drinking!' teetotalers say, as if alcoholics are simply lacking sound fiscal sense. But while saving money is a terrible motivation for quitting, it does make a pleasant reward. To mark six months dry, I bought myself a Montblanc Meisterstück fountain pen for a shade under $1,000. I'd never have spent that much on a pen while drinking, because of my habit of leaving expensive items in bars and cabs. As such, it's the perfect pocket-size reminder of how much I've changed.


Step Ten: Take a Difficult Test


It was October 2010, and I couldn't put off the call any longer. A week earlier, I'd unpacked a mail-order home testing kit, pricked my finger, and smeared what felt like a gallon of blood onto a strip of absorbent paper. After I FedExed the sample to the testing company, the results of my HIV test would be available by phone in five days.


Doctors suggest getting a test soon after engaging in certain 'risky' activities: unsafe sex with a stranger, needle sharing, that kind of thing. Given my decade-or-so of drunken misadventures, I was somewhat overdue. If you've never taken one of these tests, here's a fun fact: Finding out whether you have HIV is exactly like booking movie tickets.


'Hi, and thank you for calling the results line. To receive your test results, press 1. For assistance, press 2.'








Finally: 'The result of your test was