
When Richard Garriott de Cayeux threw a costume party the night before his wedding in Paris, his 82-year-old mother dressed up as an Indian princess and attended as a robot.

查德•加里奥特•卡耶(Richard Garriott de Cayeux)婚礼前一晚在巴黎举办化妆舞会时,他82岁的母亲海伦•玛丽•加里奥特(Helen Mary Garriott)打扮成印第安王妃,通过机器人出席了舞会。

Helen Mary Garriott wasn't strong enough to make the long trip from her home in Las Vegas. So Mr. Garriott de Cayeux went looking for alternatives. The one he hit upon was a portable robot about the size of a canister vacuumcleaner with a telescoping neck, binocular-shaped eyes and a screen for a forehead.


The staff at his Austin, Texas, computer games company Portalarium Inc. tested it out, then shipped it off to the wedding. And, voilà!, his mother was in Paris