
While bubbles have burst, prices tumbled and sales declined in the broad property markets across Europe, at the very top end, in the prime locations, it is often a very different story. Central London is the gold standard of internationalluxury residential property, but there are other areas, from Paris to Monaco to Tuscany, that are not far behind.


'At the prime end and even more at the super-prime end of the London market, prices are at an all-time high. You would not recognize that there was an economic crisis,' says Simon Rubinsohn, chief economist of the U.K. property professional body, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

英国房地产专业机构皇家特许测量师学会(Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors)的首席经济学家西蒙•鲁宾森(Simon Rubinsohn)表示,"在伦敦高端乃至超高端市场,房价达到了历史最高水平。(仅从这方面)你根本觉察不到经济危机的影子。"

'If I had inherited three million and wanted to invest it, what would I spend my money on?' asks David Forbes, head of the private office at the internationalestate agents Savills . 'I'd look for something in London as close to the center as possible. That would only get you a flat with two or two-and-a-half bedrooms. But it is an absolute safe haven for your money and it remains seriously under-supplied.'

国际不动产代理机构第一太平戴维斯(Savills)的私人写字楼部负责人大卫•福布斯(David Forbes)举例道,"假如我继承了300万,想用来投资,会选择投什么?我会在伦敦尽可能接近市中心的地段看看,虽然300万只能买套2室户或再多半间卧室的公寓,但这绝对是资金保值的好选择,而且供应严重短缺。"

Tancred Lidbury, associatedirector for Europe at Christie's International Real Estate, says: 'Prime Central London property is trading at anything between £23,000 per square meter to £85,000 per square meter for top Knightsbridge serviced properties. Prime Paris property, on the whole, tends not to exceed 45,000 per square meter, though apartments are generally larger. Prime areas of Geneva and Zurich are pretty much on a par with each other, with prices of some larger lakefront properties reaching up to 42,000 per square meter.'

佳士得国际地产(Christie's International Real Estate)欧洲部联席董事唐克雷德•里德伯里(Tancred Lidbury)称,"伦敦市中心优质地段的房价介于每平米23000英镑到85000英镑之间,例如骑士桥(Knightsbridge)一带的顶级服务式公寓。巴黎高端房地产的价格一般不超过每平米45000欧元,不过那里的公寓面积普遍更大一些。日内瓦和苏黎世的优质地段价位基本相当,一些面积稍大的湖景房售价可达每平米42000欧元。"

While the U.K. capital city is not alone in seeing rising prices, it would seem it has the foremostcombination of elements driving the top end of the market ever upward. Some of the factors are economic, others more to do with lifestyle.


Perhaps the main reason for the city's resilience is the international nature of its luxury property market. The proportion of foreign buyers increases the further up the price scale you go. According to Mr. Forbes, once you get over £10 million, well over 90% of the buyers are from outside the U.K. And the interest is truly global so London is not drastically affected by regional economic downturns.


Nick Candy is chief executive of Candy & Candy, the development managers and interior designers of One Hyde Park, the Richard Rogers-designed complex where a single apartment recently sold for more than £135 million. It has already completed £1.5 billion of sales with fewer than 20 apartments remaining.

由建筑师理查德•罗杰斯(Richard Rogers)打造的海德公园一号(One Hyde Park),最近单套公寓的售价已经超过1.35亿英镑,即便如此,该楼盘已经完成15亿英镑的销售额,只剩下不到20套的待售公寓。Candy & Candy公司负责该楼盘的开发管理和室内设计。

'The super-prime residential property market in London is particularly strong because the city has more internationalwealth purchasing property than any other city in the world. This began back in the 1980s with the arrival of Middle Eastern investment into the London real estate market, followed by former USSR states such as Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan in the mid-1990s,' Mr. Candy says. 'Today we have the Indian and Far Eastern markets to bolster this even further. Super-prime buyers are able to invest here in a tax-efficient way if they are non-domiciled and non-resident, compared to somewhere like the U.S. where the tax charges would be substantially higher.'

负责该楼盘开发管理和室内设计的Candy & Candy公司的首席执行长尼克•坎迪(Nick Candy)表示,"伦敦的超高端住宅房地产市场尤其强劲,因为相比全球其他城市,更多国际富豪愿意到伦敦置业。这种趋势要追溯到上个世纪八十年代,当时中东投资者进入了伦敦房地产市场;随后的九十年代中期,俄罗斯、乌克兰、哈萨克等前苏联国家的投资者也纷至沓来。如今,印度和远东市场的参与者进一步巩固了这种趋势。如果是非定居或非常住居民,豪宅买家在伦敦能够节省不少税费,相比之下,美国等地与置业有关的税费要高出很多。"

Also, says Edward de Mallet Morgan, associatepartner at estate agents Knight Frank, billionaires are probably making money whether the markets are rising or falling. They are not looking for a quick turnaround on residential property, which in turn means they are less likely to sell. 'Central London is not getting any bigger,' he says. 'There are a few little developments and properties being extended by people, but ultimately there are fewer and fewer houses for more and more of these wealthy people to come and buy.'

此外,房地产中介莱坊(Knight Frank)的联席合伙人爱德华•摩根(Edward de Mallet Morgan)表示,不论市场是涨是跌,富豪们都可能赚到钱。他们并不指望对住宅物业快速套现,因此相对来说不太会抛售。他说,"伦敦市中心不会再扩大,现在虽然还有些开发项目和房产出售,但最终来看,想在伦敦市中心置业的富人越来越多,能够满足其需求的房子只会越来越少。"

The multitude of reasons why London is attractive to high-end buyers adds to its resilience as a market. Its position as Europe's main financial center, which helped drive up prices, could have proved a liability in a financial downturn widely blamed on bankers. This has not been the case. Such is London's popularity that many believe even a stricter tax regime for foreigners in the U.K. would do little to deter super-prime buyers. 'I talk regularly to people who are thinking of relocating to Switzerland, Monaco or Singapore. Then they look at the schools and the general London way of life and say: 'We'll stay and pay the tax,'' says Mr. Forbes of Savills.


This type of attitude perhaps goes some way to explaining why the high end of the property market doesn't always track the local national or regional economy. Take France. It is regarded by a number of commentators as Europe's most dynamic luxury real estate market.


There was some concern that new tax regulations introduced at the beginning of January would have a negative impact. But according to Estate Net France, an agent for luxury property on the Riviera, the only effect has been to increase the number of properties on the market and to push prices down slightly, at least for the moment.

有人担心1月起生效的新税法可能产生负面影响。但里维埃拉(Riviera)地区高端房地产中介机构Estate Net France表示,"至少从目前来看,新税法只是增加了挂牌销售的房产数量,小幅压低了房价。"

Alexander Kraft, president of Sotheby's International Realty France-Monaco, says 2011 was 'a really solid year.'

苏富比国际地产公司(Sotheby's International Realty)法国-摩纳哥部门总裁亚历山大•卡夫(Alexander Kraft)表示,2011年真是"很不错的一年"。

'The fourth quarter was one of our best ever. We sold more than 200 properties with an average sale price of more than 1.1 million, which is basically seven times the average sales price for a single family home in France,' he says. There are, Mr. Kraft believes, a number of reasons why the French luxury property market has been so robust, the main one being that although prices have increased they still appear good value.


'I tell people you should sell your garage in Mayfair and buy a castle in France. You can still find a nice château for 1 million to 1.5 million,' he says. This is partly a reflection of a property market that has been stable since the 1980s. 'It's especially attractive given low bank interest rates and the volatile stock market,' Mr. Kraft adds.


There has, he says, been an influx of overseas buyers both from the traditional areas of Western Europe and North America, but also from the emerging markets, including Russia, increasingly Brazil and from China