
Apple's iPad could be described as a personal display through which you see and manipulate text, graphics, photos and videos often delivered via the Internet. So, how has the company chosen to improve its wildly popular tablet? By making that display dramatically better and making the delivery of content dramatically faster.


There are other changes in the new, third-generation iPad -- called simply 'iPad,' with no number, which goes on sale on Friday at the same base price as its predecessor, $499. But the key upgrades are to those core features -- the 9.7-inch screen and the data speed over cellular networks. These upgrades are massive. Using the new display is like getting a new eyeglasses prescription -- you suddenly realize what you thought looked sharp before wasn't nearly as sharp as it could be.


Boosting those particular features -- the screen and the cellular speed -- usually has a negativeimpact on battery life in a digital device. But Apple has managed to crank them up them while maintaining the long battery life between charges that has helped give the iPad such an edge over other tablets.


That doesn't mean there aren't other trade-offs. Mostly to make room for a larger battery, the new iPad weighs about 8% more and is about 7% thicker than the prior model. That means the company can't claim to have the thinnest and lightest tablet, as it boasted last year with the iPad 2. (It's still thinner and lighter than the original iPad.)

这并不是说其他地方就没有折衷。主要是为了给一块更大的电池留出空间,新iPad比前一代重8%左右、厚7%左右。这意味着苹果无法像去年描述iPad 2那样声称拥有世界上最薄、最轻的平板电脑。(新一代仍比第一代更薄、更轻。)

I've been testing the new iPad, and despite these trade-offs, its key improvements strengthen its position as the best tablet on the market. Apple hasn't totally revamped the iPad or added loads of new features. But it has improved it significantly, at the same price.


It has the most spectacular display I have ever seen in a mobile device. The company squeezed four times the pixels into the same physical space as on the iPad 2 and claims the new iPad's screen has a million more pixels than an HDTV. All I know is that text is much sharper, and photos look richer.

新iPad的屏幕,是我所见移动终端屏幕中最惊艳的。新iPad的大小跟iPad 2差不多,然而像素却是后者的四倍。苹果还声称新iPad屏幕的像素比高清电视还高一百万。我只知道,文本清晰多了,照片的细节也丰富多了。

If you already own an iPad 2, and like it, you shouldn't feel like you have to rush out to buy the new one. However, for those who use their iPads as their main e-readers, and those who use it frequently while away from Wi-Fi coverage, this new model could make a big difference.

如果你已经有一台iPad 2并且很喜欢它,应该不会觉得必须赶紧买一台新的。但如果是把iPad用作主力电子阅读器,或者是经常在没有Wi-Fi覆盖的地方使用iPad,那么新款就可以带来很大的改变。

The optional, extra-cost, 4G LTE cellular-data capability made it feel like I was always on a fast Wi-Fi connection. I loved the photos and videos I took with the greatly improved rear camera. And the battery life degraded by just 11 minutes, a figure that is still much better than on any tablet I've tested.

选配的4G LTE蜂窝数据模块(需额外付费)给我的感觉就像始终拥有高速无线网络连接。性能极大提升的后置摄像头所拍摄的照片和视频令我非常满意。电池的续航时间仅仅缩短了11分钟,仍然比我测试过的任何一台平板电脑都要强。

Along with the unmatched collection of 200,000 third-party programs designed for its large screen, and the large catalogs of music, books, periodicals and video content available for it, I can recommend the new iPad to consumers as their best choice in a general-purpose tablet.


The exceptions would be people who prefer a smaller size for one-handed use, or those who find the weight a burden. While the weight gain was noticeable, I didn't find it a problem even for long reading or video-watching sessions. The extra thickness was barely discernible.


For the weight conscious, and for those who can't swing the $499 entry cost, there is an out. Apple for the first time is making and selling the prior iPad model at a reduced price. The iPad 2 will now be available starting at $399, with just one choice of storagecapacity -- 16 gigabytes. The new iPad can be bought in 16, 32 or 64 GB capacities, at prices up to $829. The optional cellular capability costs the same as the slower 3G capability, both up front and in monthly fees from Verizon and AT&T.

对于那些在意电脑重量或是无法接受499美元入门价的人来说,还有一种选择:苹果公司仍在生产上一代iPad,并降价销售,这还是头一次。iPad 2的最低售价现在只要399美元,但只有16GB一种存储容量可选。新一代iPad的存储容量有16GB、32GB和64GB三种可选,价格最高要829美元。可选的4G蜂窝数据服务的上网费用和速度较慢的3G网络相同:Verizon和美国电话电报公司(AT&T)提供预付费和包月两种收费方式。

The Display