
Goldman Sachs Group Inc., the frequent target of criticism for its aggressivepursuit of profits, again found itself in a harsh spotlight Wednesday when a London-based executive resigned from the firm in a New York Times opinion piece that assailed the firm's culture as 'toxic and destructive.'

大胆逐利而常遭批评的高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)周三再次被推到灼目的聚光灯下。当天,该公司一位驻伦敦管理人员在《纽约时报》(New York Times)发表评论文章宣布辞职,并强烈抨击高盛"有毒的"、"破坏性的"文化。

The executive, Greg Smith, wrote that he was resigning from Goldman on Wednesday because of a shift in the firm's culture that allegedly puts profits ahead of client interests. The attack was quickly rebuffed by the firm, but not before Mr. Smith's piece became a flash point on Twitter and elsewhere.

这名管理人员名叫格雷格•史密斯(Greg Smith)。他写道,之所以在周三从高盛辞职,是因为他认为该公司的文化已经变为将利润置于客户利益之上。高盛马上予以反驳,但史密斯的文章早已在推特(Twitter)等网站引起轰动。

Mr. Smith