
Volkswagen AG is showcasing what could be the world's most expensive sport-utility vehicle when its Bentley brand lifts the veil on a new concept car at the Geneva International Motor Show this week as part of the auto maker's drive to expand the appeal of its super-luxury marque.

周,大众集团(Volkswagen AG)旗下品牌宾利(Bentley)在日内瓦国际汽车展(Geneva International Motor Show)上为一款新型概念车揭开了面纱,它很可能会是世界上最昂贵的多功能运动型车(SUV)。此举被认为是大众集团为提升其超级豪华车型吸引力所做的一次大动作。

'We're absolutely convinced of the [market] potential for a luxurious high-performance SUV,' Bentley Chief Executive Wolfgang Durheimer said here Monday.

宾利汽车总裁杜翰墨(Wolfgang Durheimer)上周一在车展上表示,"我们对高性能豪华SUV的(市场)潜力绝对有信心。"

Final approval for the SUV, currently called the EXP 9F, from Bentley's German parent is still pending. But initial feedback from Volkswagen Chief Executive Martin Winterkorn has been encouraging, Mr. Durheimer said. Annual sales volume is expected to be roughly between 3,500 and 5,000 vehicles.

大众集团对这款目前被命名为EXP 9F的SUV的最终审批仍处在待定状态。不过据杜翰墨说,来自大众集团首席执行长文德恩(Martin Winterkorn)本人的前期反馈一直很令人乐观。该款SUV预计年销量大致在3,500辆到5,000辆。

The concept car features a large 12-cylinder engine, which delivers 610 horsepower, and a high-seating position similar to Tata Motors Ltd.'s luxury Range Rover brand, which would be one of the Bentley vehicle's main potential rivals. The Bentley SUV would sell for a higher price than any other SUV currently available, Mr. Durheimer said.

这款概念车配备610马力的12缸大型发动机,座椅位置较高,类似于塔塔汽车公司(Tata Motors Ltd.)旗下的豪华品牌路虎揽胜(Range Rover)。后者可能是宾利此款SUV主要的潜在竞争对手之一。杜翰墨说,宾利SUV可能比目前市场上其他SUV的售价都要高。

Demand for luxury SUVs is booming world-wide, defying concerns that rising fuel prices and environmental concerns would crimp demand in a lucrative segment for top manufacturers. Maserati previously has shown its concept of an SUV.


Mr. Durheimer said that adding the SUV to the brand's lineup would also help to balance Bentley's financialperformance as the product life cycles of its Continental and Mulsanne models largely overlap.


The car would be based on technology Volkswagen uses for other luxury SUVs such as the Audi Q7 and the Cayenne of VW affiliate Porsche Automobil Holding SE.

这款汽车也将基于大众用于其他豪华SUV车型──诸如奥迪Q7(Audi Q7)和大众旗下保时捷控股公司(Porsche Automobil Holding SE)的卡宴(Cayenne)──的技术。

Volkswagen, Europe's biggest auto manufacturer and the world's No. 2 after General Motors Co., bought Bentley in 1998 from Vickers PLC after a complex bidding war with BMW AG. Bentley was spun off from Rolls-Royce Motors, with the Rolls-Royce automotive brand ending up part of BMW.

大众是欧洲最大的汽车制造商,在全球范围内,其排名仅次于通用汽车公司(General Motors Co.),位列第二。1998年,经过一场与宝马集团(BMW AG)之间的复杂竞标大战,大众从威格士公司(Vickers PLC)手中成功将宾利收购。宾利是从罗尔斯罗伊斯汽车公司(Rolls-Royce Motors)剥离出来的,后者最终归入了宝马集团。

Mr. Durheimer said earlier this year that Bentley swung back to a profit in 2011 after two years of losses, helped by a 37% year-over-year rise in sales to 7,003 vehicles. Bentley hasn't disclosed detailed profit figures so far for 2011. In the January-to-September period last year, the brand narrowed its operating loss to 6 million euros ($8 million) from a loss of 145 million euros in the same period in 2010. Volkswagen is scheduled to releaseearnings for its individual brands on March 12.


Mr. Durheimer reiterated that unit sales are expected to rise in the 'solid, double-digit' percentage range this year over last year and could come close to a new annual sales record for the brand. His plan at Bentley mirrors Porsche's strategy in recent years, where Mr. Durheimer was previously in charge of research and development before joining Bentley.


Porsche's dynamic sales and earnings growth in recent years was driven by the launch of new derivatives of existing models and by adding the Cayenne sport-utility vehicle to its lineup. The Cayenne has been Porsche's best-selling vehicle in recent years, despiteinitialcriticism from sports-car aficionados that marketing an SUV would dent the brand's coveted image as a sports-car maker.


Christoph Rauwald