
Chris Kemper thought she was dreaming when she found out that her grandmother had left her $6 million when she died in October 2010.

得知祖母在2010年10月离世后给自己留下了600万美元的遗产后,克里斯•肯珀(Chris Kemper)感觉就像在做梦一样。

But her elation quickly turned to terror when she realized she had no idea what to do with that life-changing fortune. 'I was thrilled and so scared that I would bungle it,' says Ms. Kemper, a 44-year-old financeexecutive who lives in Westchester, Ohio.


Despite the bitter economic downturn, one part of the American dream is alive and well: the possibility of sudden wealth.


Examples abound. Consider David Choe, an artist who five years ago decided to accept payment in stock options from Facebook for painting murals in the then-fledgling firm's offices. He stands to realize as much as $200 million when the company goes public later this year.

一夜暴富的例子俯拾皆是。五年前,艺术家大卫•崔(David Choe)决定接受股票期权作为报酬,为当时刚刚起步的脸谱公司(Facebook)的总部绘制壁画。等这家公司今年上市之后,大卫•崔所持有的股票期权价值有可能会达到两亿美元。

Then there's basketball point guard Jeremy Lin of the New York Knicks, whose meteoric rise could well lead to vast riches from world-wide endorsements, and the still-anonymous winner of this month's record $336 million multistate Powerball lottery jackpot.

纽约尼克斯队(New York Knicks)迅速崛起的篮球控卫林书豪(Jeremy Lin),极有望凭借全球众多品牌的代言合同拥有巨额财富。Powerball彩票本月创纪录地开出3.36亿美元大奖,尚未露面的中奖者也将生动再现一夜暴富的传奇!

Most, however, who receive sudden wealth will do so through more-conventional means. More than nine million households in the U.S. reported getting an inheritance of at least $100,000, according to the latest available data from the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances. Baby boomers