
When I first started covering the very rich, a wealthmanager gave me this piece of advice: 'The very rich are like the unemployed, except they don't have the edifying focus of trying to find a job.'


In his new e-book, 'Rich Man Poor Man,' the right-leaning comedian Adam Carolla takes the idea even further, making a case that the rich and poor have many things in common.

右翼人士、喜剧演员卡罗拉(Adam Carolla)在他的新电子书《富人与穷人》(Rich Man Poor Man)中将这一观点作了进一步阐述,认为富人和穷人在很多方面有着相似之处。

Of course, many will find Carolla's analogies between rich and poor highly offensive. Some are also a stretch (both rich and poor 'use ladders with wheels,' 'wear eye patches,' 'keep liquor in a sack' and 'use shovels on construction sites.')


And Carolla is perhaps best known for calling the Occupiers 'a bunch of (expletive) self-entitled monsters.' He has been a strong supporter of the wealthy in the current class divide.


But he's a comedian folks. So here are 7 amusing examples from the e-book:


1 Outdoor Showers. 'Rich Guys Ladies always rinse off in the outdoor shower so 'there's no chance of his wife finding a rogue hair on the shower floor when she gets back from rehab.' Poor guys have no shower, so they use the neighbor's hose.


2 No Wallet. Rich guys carry money clips and the poor just carry around crinkled dollar bills.


3 Spends the Day in Pajamas.


4 They Row. Rich guys crew, poor guys row to find food.


5 Always With Their Dogs. Socialites carry their mini-breeds, while the poor have to keep their canine friends tied to a shopping cart.


6 Spend Evenings in Front of a Roaring Fire.


7 Spend Thanksgiving in a Soup Kitchen. The rich serve and the poor eat.


What are some other ways the rich are like the poor?


Robert Frank

Robert Frank