
The last time Allison Russo, a pharmacy technician from Tobyhanna, Pa., asked her co-worker for help, she got yelled at. It wasn't the first time.

阿莉森•拉索(Allison Russo)是宾西法尼亚州托比汉纳(Tobyhanna)的一名药剂师助理,最近她找一位同事帮忙的时候,被这位同事劈头盖脸地骂了一顿。而这样的情形已经不止发生一次了。

'I'm not sure why she acts the way she does. I think that she may feel threatened that I'm going to take her job,' says Ms. Russo, whose supervisor didn't want to get involved in what he thought was a personality clash.


So instead of retreating to the restroom to cry, which is something she has done a few times, Ms. Russo stood up for herself. 'When I responded more strongly, she seemed to back down as if she suddenly realized that she was out of line. It's still not easy, but now I don't feel as stepped on.'


Nothing can make you appreciate a good co-worker more than having to deal with a bad one. Bad attitudes and incompetence can sink department morale and damage professional reputations. That's why experts say it is important to act fast. You want to actively deal with bad co-workers before the problem becomes entrenched. But you need to determine if you're contributing to the problem by ignoring solvable performance issues, being confrontational or enabling the bad behavior.


'By not responding to inappropriate behavior or communication, you're reinforcing that behavior. You're actually telling that person that it is OK to communicate with you in that manner. You should address issues as they happen,' says Beth Sears, president of Workplace Communication, a consulting firm in Scottsville, N.Y., who recommends examining how you communicate across all channels including email, instant messages, memos and social media.

纽约州斯科茨维尔(Scottsville)咨询公司Workplace Communication的总裁贝丝•西尔斯(Beth Sears)说,"如果你对不当的行为或沟通方式无动于衷,你就是在助长这种行为。你其实是在对那个人说,以那种态度与你沟通是可以的。你应该在问题发生时就着手解决。"她建议对自己通过电子邮件、短信、备忘录和社交媒体等渠道进行的沟通进行全面的审视。

A bad attitude can also stem from ignorance. A often-cited Cornell University study published in 1999 by Justin Kruger and David Dunning found that below-average employees tend to be unaware of their own shortcomings and will often overestimate their abilities. They may not even understand why you are dissatisfied with their work so may take criticism as a personal attack.

态度差也可能是由无知导致的。康奈尔大学(Cornell University)的贾斯廷•克鲁格(Justin Kruger)和戴维•邓宁(David Dunning) 1999年发表的一项广为引用的研究报告指出,工作表现在平均水平之下的员工往往意识不到自身的不足,并常常高估自己的能力。他们甚至可能不理解为什么你对他们的工作不满意,因此会将批评视为人身攻击。

Offer to help a co-worker improve on specific tasks or suggest that both of you take classes to refresh your skills. You can also try renegotiating shared workloads so the split favors the strengths of the problem co-worker, says Dave Logan, who teaches leadership and management at the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business. 'Find what they're good at and let them do it.'

不妨主动提出帮助同事改进具体工作,或者建议与他一起参加培训,以提高双方的工作能力。在南加州大学(University of Southern California)马歇尔商学院(Marshall School of Business)教授领导力和管理学课程的戴夫•洛根(Dave Logan)说,你还可以试着与同事重新协商工作安排,使任务的分配有利于发挥"刺头"同事的优势。他说,"看看他们擅长做什么,然后让他们去做。"

You may end up taking on more work, but the extra effort can save your reputation and be spun as a benefit at your next performancereview or future job interviews with other companies. Just be subtle about letting others know who is handling what.


Weigh the political costs of dragging your boss or human-resources department into the conflict, warns Mr. Logan. Try to resolve the problem one-on-one if you can. Negotiate a truce that focuses on the matters that affect you both.


Be discreet. Even if the problem merits third-party involvement, don't air grievances in meetings or with other co-workers. Complaining about the performance of another employee, especially if he or she is well liked by others, can negatively impact your other office relationships.
