
The new iPad may be sharper and faster (if a bit fatter) than previous models, but is it worth spending another $500?


Apple enthusiasts point out the latest tablet, which CEO Tim Cook unveiled today in San Francisco, offers twice the screenresolution of prior models, four times the graphics power, a 5-megapixel camera, and voice dictation capability -- all for the same starting price. The screen-resolution -- which will now match the razor sharp image on the iPhone may be the biggest improvement. 'It will be similar to going from a standard definition TV to an HDTV and believe me you'll notice it side by side,' says Yung Trang, president of TechBargains.com.

"果粉"指出,苹果(Apple)的首席执行长(CEO)库克(Tim Cook)周三在旧金山发布的这款最新平板电脑,屏幕分辨率是前款的两倍,图形处理能力是前款的四倍,有一个500万像素的摄像头,还有语音输入功能,而起价还是一样的。它的显示屏可以比拟iPhone屏幕刀锋一样锐利的显示效果,这可能是最大的改进。TechBargains.com网站的总裁特朗(Yung Trang)说,这一改进相当于从标清电视升级为高清电视,摆在一块儿,你肯定会注意到。

But even some of the most ardent devotees concede that none of those upgrades make it a must-have gadget. For one, unlike computers or smartphones, iPads are not necessities for most people. And those determined to buy an iPad may want to consider the older iPad 2, released just last year. Apple's decision to shave $100 off the iPad 2 to $399, might make it the better deal.

但就连一些铁杆粉丝也承认,这当中没有哪项升级足以使之成为必买产品。比如,iPad跟电脑或智能手机不一样,对于多数人来说并不是必须配备的。而决心要买一台iPad的人可能会考虑去年才发布的iPad 2。苹果已将iPad 2的价格下调100美元至399美元,买这款可能更划算。

In addition, Apple's competition in the tablet market, while still far behind, is racing to catch up. Android-based rival tablets offer many of the iPad's main features, but are often substantially cheaper. 'Without significant upgrades, the door is wide open this year for a competitor, potentially Amazon, to really challenge Apple's crown for the market,' says Jeff Haynes, editor of TechBargains.com.

除此以外,苹果在平板电脑市场的竞争对手虽然远远落在后面,但也在奋起直追。安卓(Android)平板提供了iPad拥有的很多主要功能,但价格通常要低很多。TechBargains.com主编海恩斯(Jeff Haynes)说,在没有大幅升级的情况下,今年出现某个竞争对手对苹果在这个市场的王者地位构成真实挑战的机会非常大,这个竞争对手可能会是亚马逊(Amazon)。

Here are 4 reasons to not to touch the new iPad screen:


Stick with the iPad 2

iPad 2也够用了

This is the third iPad in less than two years. The iPad 2 sold over 15 million units Some experts contend that it doesn't makes sense for most users to buy into each new incremental improvement, and instead they should aim for every other upgrade. The difference between the iPhone 4 and the 4S were minimal, for instance, but the jump from the 3G to the 4S was like two different phones. And even some of the headline-grabbing upgrades are unnecessary, says Louis Ramirez, senior features writer for DealNews.com. 'The average consumer doesn't need a tablet that can push more pixels than their HDTV. It's like owning a refrigerator with built-in Wi-Fi: it's overkill.'

新款iPad是不到两年时间发布的第三款产品,而iPad 2卖出了1,500万台以上。一些专家认为,让多数用户为每一项不那么重大的新改进买单是没有道理的,相反消费者应该以隔代产品为目标。比如iPhone 4与iPhone 4S相比差别不大,但iPhone 4S与iPhone 3G相比则向前跨越了一大步,就像是两款完全不同的手机。比价网站DealNews.com资深特稿作者拉米雷斯(Louis Ramirez)还说,就连一些非常引人关注的升级也都是没必要的。他说,普通消费者不需要一台像素超过高清电视的平板电脑;这就像是买一台内置了Wi-Fi功能的冰箱,太夸张了。

And as SmartMoney.com reported, shoppers already suffer from upgrade fatigue when it comes to new gadgets. Haynes says the new iPad is more of a 'game-evolver' than a 'game-changer.' The iPad upgrades are purposefully designed with subtle upgrades and one headline-grabbing change, he says. Giving the new iPad a retina display with the same resolution as the iPhone 4S is a welcome improvement, but is by no means worth ditching the older model, he says.

正如《财智月刊》网站(SmartMoney.com)报道的那样,消费者对科技产品的升级已经出现审美疲劳。海恩斯说,新iPad还谈不上改变业内格局,充其量也就是给自己增加了一点优势。他说,iPad的更新是有意只加入一些微小的改进,和一个非常引人注目的改变。他说,让新iPad拥有一个视网膜屏幕,使其分辨率与iPhone 4S一样,自然是一项值得肯定的改进,但怎么说都不值得为了它而抛弃iPad 2。

The iPad is pretty, but not tough


When the iPad 2 was released, some complained designers put the goal of pack all the components into a slimmer package at the expense of improved sturdiness. Apple says the new 1.4 pound iPad is heftier (1.4 pounds) and thicker (9.4 millimeters) than its predecessor, however it does not appear the new bulkiness was to beef up its armor, but to cram in a more powerful processor and a display with twice the resolution. Websites like iPadScreenRepair.com have popped up to help repair broken screens. Apple did not respond to a request for comment.

当初iPad 2发布时,一些人曾抱怨说,设计者一味追求将全部组件放进一个更轻薄的外壳中,而在提升坚固性方面做出了牺牲。苹果说,全新iPad比iPad 2更重(652克)也更厚(9.4毫米),但看起来增加的厚重感并不是为了使其更坚固,而是为了装入一个更强大的处理器和分辨率提高一倍的显示屏。iPadScreenRepair.com等网站纷纷冒出来帮助修理破碎的iPad显示屏。苹果没有回复记者的置评请求。

There's no data on the number of cracked iPad screens or damaged processors, but competitors have seized on the perceived delicateness of the tablets. The Pantech Element, for instance, claims to be sturdier and more waterproof than the iPad. 'A killer tablet should be able to defend itself,' says Louis Ramirez, senior features writer for DealNews.com. dealnews.com 'That means withstanding dirt and the occasional drop on the floor.' The AppleCare insurance policy for the iPad does not cover accidental damage, so consumers would need to take out additional insurance for that.

目前没有关于iPad破裂的显示屏或损坏的处理器数量的数据,但竞争对手却趁机攻击iPad表现出的脆弱性。比如,Pantech Element自称比iPad更坚固,防水性能更好。DealNews.com资深特稿作者拉米雷斯说,一款王牌平板电脑应该能够保护自己,这就意味着能够经受住尘土和意外摔在地板上这样事故的考验。苹果AppleCare维修服务对iPad提供的保单不包括意外损坏,所以消费者将需要为此另外买保险。

A tablet is not as useful as a laptop


There appears to be a largely unnoticed trend in the tablet market: they are slowly evolving into old-fashioned laptop computers. Even the new iPad cannot escape its heritage: it has an attachable keyboard, which costs an extra $69. The $499 Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime tablet comes with a detachable keyboard included in the price. Alternatively, $500 will also buy a mainstream laptop that can do everything the new iPad can and more, especially in businesss, says Rick Singer, CEO of GreatApps.com. Ultrabooks -- very lightweight laptops -- may offer the best of both worlds, he says. They have longer battery life than typical laptops and are as fast and light as an iPad.

平板电脑市场似乎出现了一种基本未被注意到的趋势:平板电脑正逐渐演化为笔记本电脑。就连全新iPad也无法逃脱这样的命运:全新iPad带一个可拆卸键盘,但要额外花费69美元购买。而499美元的华硕(Asus) Eee Pad Transformer Prime平板电脑价格中已经包括了一个可拆卸键盘。GreatApps.com网站首席执行长辛格(Rick Singer)说,全新iPad价格近500美元,这笔钱都够买一部主流笔记本电脑了,它具有全新iPad的全部功能外加其他功能,特别是对商业人士而言。他说,超轻笔记本电脑Ultrabook可能是两者兼顾的最佳选择。这类笔记本电脑的电池续航时间比传统笔记本电脑长,运行速度和重量则和iPad相同。

There are less expensive options


For consumers on a tight budget, experts say there are better alternatives. As SmartMoney.com reported, Amazon's Kindle Fire and Barnes & Noble's Nook have advantages over the iPad 3 -- and price is chief among them. Unlike the iPad 3, the $199 Kindle Fire has Flash Video capability and access to some 500,000 Android apps -- plus films, books, music on sale from Amazon. 'This is the biggest competitor to the iPad's crown right now, and for good reason,' Haynes says, though he notes that the sound/screen quality is better on the iPad. Ramirez says Amazon's stores often offer better deals on MP3s, video, and e-books than Apple's iTunes. Others, however, believe they have their work cut out to undercut the iPad 3: 'Apple has proved that it can make devices that are so wildly sought after that people will pay whatever it demands.'

对于预算紧张的消费者而言,专家说有比全新iPad更好的选择。正如《财智月刊》网站所报道的,亚马逊的Kindle Fire和巴诺书店(Barnes & Noble)的Nook比全新iPad有优势,价格优势尤为明显。与全新iPad不同的是,价格199美元的Kindle Fire能够播FLV视频,能使用约50万个安卓应用程序,另外还有亚马逊网站上销售的电影、书籍和音乐。海恩斯说,Kindle Fire是目前iPad的最大竞争对手,这不是没有道理的。但他也指出,全新iPad的音效和显示屏质量更好。拉米雷斯说,亚马逊商店常常提供比苹果iTunes更便宜的MP3、视频和电子书。不过,其他人则认为,价格比全新iPad更低也无济于事:苹果已经证明,它能够提供人们热追的产品,无论苹果开多高的价,人们都会买。