
Apple Inc. unveiled an updated iPad tablet with a sharper display and faster communications, as it strives to stay ahead of competitors and prove the devices can trump personal computers.

At an event Wednesday in San Francisco, Apple's chief executive, Tim Cook, and his lieutenants unveiled the third iteration of the device, which they simply called 'the new iPad' rather than applying a specific name for the product. It will be available starting March 16 in the U.S. and 10 other countries.

果公司(Apple Inc.)推出了新款iPad平板电脑,该产品的显示屏分辨率更高,连线速度更快。苹果目前正竭力保持自己领先于竞争对手的优势,同时向世人证明,平板电脑可以胜过个人电脑。

Though slightly thicker and heavier, the device looks and feels much like the current iPad 2. It also has the same starting prices: $499 for the Wi-Fi only models, or $629 for those that also have cellular connectivity. Those devices will now be capable of 4G wireless speeds, which are about 10 times faster than 3G found in the iPad 2.

苹果首席执行长库克(Tim Cook)及其副手周三在旧金山发布会上推出了第三代iPad,他们将其称为"新款iPad"(the new iPad),而没有为之具体定名。这款产品将在3月16日登陆美国和其它10个国家的市场。

Rather than lower the price of the latest model to more directly compete with rival tablet makers such as Amazon.com Inc. and Barnes and Noble Inc., Apple continues to count on a variety of technological improvements to appeal to users.

与现售iPad2相比,新款iPad略厚也略重,不过两款产品的外观和感觉十分相似。此外,它与iPad 2的起价也相同:仅具备Wi-Fi上网功能的新款iPad起价499美元,支持4G网络的新款iPad起价629美元。新款iPad将支持4G网络,网速比目前iPad2的3G网络快约10倍。

The new iPad's key features include an unusually high-resolution screen, support for the 4G technology known as LTE and a microprocessor chip with more powerful graphics circuitry that helps render realistic-looking videogames.

苹果并没有通过对最新款iPad降价来更直接地与亚马逊公司(Amazon.com Inc.)和Barnes and Noble Inc.等平板电脑制造商来竞争,而是继续依靠各种技术改进来吸引用户。

Apple is also dropping the price of the iPad 2 to a starting price of $399 in an effort to broaden the market. Like the iPad 2, the new tablet will be sold by Verizon Wireless and AT&T Inc.

新款iPad的主要特点包括配有超高分辨率显示屏,支持4G LTE(长期演进)技术,并有一个图形处理能力更强大的微处理芯片,这会让视频游戏看起来更加真实。

The new iPad is crucial to Apple's efforts to write its next chapter and wrest more control over the growing number of activities consumers do digitally. First a computer maker that later reinvented the digital-music player and mobile phone, Apple executives now describe the company as an enabler of a broad array of digital devices central to consumers' lives, a message Mr. Cook underscored repeatedly Wednesday.

此外,苹果还为扩大市场而将iPad2的起价下调至399美元。与iPad2一样,新款iPad也将由Verizon Wireless和美国电话电报公司(AT&T Inc.)销售。

Mr. Cook, 51, kicked off the event by talking about the 'post PC era' and Apple's dominance of it, highlighting the suite of iPod, iPhone and iPad products. 'The PC is no longer the center of your digital world but rather just a device,' he said.


The event marked the first to launch a new device since the death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs and the second that Mr. Cook has led since he became CEO in August. Like the latest iPhone announced in October, the changes for the new iPad are largely under the hood and Apple has had to show why they are worth it.


Executives made the case during the event by highlighting the resolution of the new iPad display, which has four times as many pixels as the iPad 2 and more than some high-definition televisions. Apple Senior Vice President Phil Schiller showed off the 4G wireless speed by displaying photos on a big screen that loaded rapidly in an email, and a video clip that began streaming instantly without buffering.

本次活动是苹果公司在其创始人之一乔布斯(Steve Jobs)去世之后的首次新产品发布,也是库克在去年八月就任苹果CEO后第二次主持新产品发布活动。和去年10月份发布的最新款iPhone一样,新款iPad的外观变化并不明显,变化主要体现在产品内部,苹果必须设法展示出新款产品的价值所在。

Consumers and analysts seemed impressed with the under-the hood improvements and said that the new iPad should sell well. Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster called the changes 'significant' and said it would help the company solidify its lead in the market.

为了证明新产品的价值,苹果高管们在此次发布活动中突出了新iPad显示屏的高分辨率,新iPad的像素是iPad2的四倍,比一些高清电视的显示效果还好。为了证明4G无线网络的速度,苹果公司的高级副总裁席勒(Phil Schiller)在大屏幕上展示了在邮件中快速上传照片,以及无需缓冲即可流畅播放的视频。

The company's stock price bounced up and down slightly as details about the iPad became known, before finishing the trading day at $530.69, up 43 cents.

这些内在改进似乎打动了消费者和分析人士,他们说新iPad应该会销量不错。Piper Jaffray的分析师芒斯特(Gene Munster)说,新iPad实现了"重大"改进,将会帮助苹果巩固其在市场上的领先地位。

During the event, Apple also said that a new version of its $99 Apple TV device that supports higher-resolution video would also go on sale March 16. The box, which provides a way to get Internet video on traditional televisions, also has a new interface and the ability to sync some movies purchased by iTunes across Apple devices.


Since its introduction in 2010, the iPad and related products and services have contributed greatly to the company's booming business, with sales of the devices more than doubling to 15.4 million in its quarter ending in December. Despite numerous contenders, Apple continues to dominate the tablet market, having sold more than 50 million iPads to date.

在发布活动中,苹果还说,新版Apple TV会在3月16日上市。这款支持高清视频的机顶盒售价为99美元。通过这款机顶盒,用户可以用传统电视机收看互联网上的视频内容。新版Apple TV拥有新的操作界面,并且能够让用户把从iTunes上购买的电影同步到其他苹果设备上。

Meanwhile, rivals like Dell Inc. and Hewlett-Packard Co. have withdrawn rival tablets from some markets and are waiting for a new version of Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system expected to go on sale later this year to try again.


While new devices running Google Inc.'s Android operating system, such as Amazon.com's $199 Kindle Fire tablet have drawn solid reviews, sales have been 'modest,' says Toni Sacconaghi, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. IPad competition has been 'lackluster,' he said.

与此同时,戴尔(Dell Inc.)和惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard Co.)已经在一些市场上撤掉了自己的平板电脑,他们希望在今年晚些时候微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)新版的Windows操作系统面市时再做尝试。

Jessica E. Vascellaro

Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.的分析师萨科纳吉(Toni Sacconaghi)说,尽管运行谷歌公司(Google Inc.)安卓(Android)操作系统的新设备获得了一些好评,如亚马逊公司(Amazon.com)199美元的Kindle Fire平板电脑,但这些设备的销售量平平。他说,iPad的竞争者没有什么出彩的表现。