
Golf is only for rich people. Only 10% of the 26 million golfers in the U.S. belong to private clubs, according to the National Golf Foundation. The rest play primarily at public courses, where the average rack-rate cost per round, on weekends with cart (not including resorts), is $43.

区一:高尔夫只是富人的游戏。根据美国国家高尔夫基金会(National Golf Foundation)的数据,美国有2600万高尔夫爱好者,其中只有10%是私人俱乐部会员,其余90%的人大多打公众球场,平均每场18洞的周末牌价(含球车,不含住宿等休闲娱乐)仅为43美元。

Business people play golf so they can make deals on the course. That's the stereotype: secret handshakes behind the hedges. Some of that goes on, no doubt, but the main point of business golf is building relationships. Where else do you get four or five relaxed hours with a potentialpartner or client and learn a few things about his or her character in the process? The golf itself is too distracting to actually talk much business.


In Scotland, golfers never take longer than three hours to play a round. Whenever the grillroom conversation turns to slow play, American golf's most vexing problem, someone invariably pipes up with this chestnut. In fact, a foursome of Scots in a four-ball match average about four hours a round, according to Hamish Gray, chief executive of the Scottish Golf Union. That's the recommended pace of play posted at many U.S. golf courses. The difference is the Scots really do play in four hours, whereas at most U.S. courses it's the impossible dream.

误区三:在苏格兰,打一轮18洞从来不超过三小时。美国人打高尔夫的最大毛病是喜欢唠家常,一旦有人因为讲话过多而拖慢进程,就会有人拿这句话来说事儿。其实,苏格兰高尔夫联盟(Scottish Golf Union)会长哈米什•格雷(Hamish Gray)表示,四个苏格兰人打一场四人四球18洞比杆赛平均要花四小时左右。这也是美国许多高尔夫球场建议的打球速度,但区别在于,苏格兰人真的能在四小时内完成,而在美国大部分球场,这还是一个无法完成的梦想。

Ben Hogan's 'secret' went to the grave with him. This fond legend is wrong on two counts. First, he did reveal it. In two Life magazine articles in 1954 and 1955, titled 'Ben Hogan's Secret' and 'This is My Secret,' Hogan explained the trick