
The consumer point-and-shoot camera has just been reinvented -- not tweaked, or remodeled, but actually rethought from top to bottom. A Silicon Valley start-up called Lytro is shipping this week a camera that looks like no other and actually lets you focus or refocus your pictures on a computer after you take them.

Not only that, but the company is promising that pictures you take with the camera today will be able to be manipulated after the fact in additional ways in coming months. For instance, you'll be able to snap into focus everything at once, regardless of depth. Or change the perspective from which the picture is seen, and switch a photo back and forth between 2-D and 3-D. That's why it calls the images 'living pictures.'


This $399 camera, also called Lytro, can do all this because it is a so-called light-field camera, which is based on a different technology than traditional digital cameras. In simple terms, it uses a modified sensor, plus proprietary software, to capture and process more, and different, information about the light hitting its lens than other cameras do. This includes the direction of light rays. The result is a richer picture file that software, on the camera and on a computer, can use to manipulate images in new ways. Lytro doesn't even classify its camera by the familiar megapixel measure. Instead, the company says it has a resolution of 11 megarays -- in other words, it can capture 11 million light rays.

不仅如此。该公司还承诺,今天你拿这款相机拍下的照片,在几个月之后还能用其他方法做事后调整。比如你可以让任何景物立刻成为拍摄焦点,完全不去考虑景深问题;或者是改变观看照片的视角,将一张照片在2D和3D模式之间来回切换。正是因为这个原因,Lytro公司把这些影像称作"活的照片"(living picture)。

Just as the technology is very different, so is the camera itself. It looks sort of like a short, square, pocket-size telescope, with a nonprotruding 8X zoom lens on one end and a touch-screen viewfinder on the other. It has only two buttons and a zoom slider. It starts instantly and is instantly ready to take the next picture, because it doesn't need to perform autofocusing. It can be purchased in three colors at lytro.com. The base model can hold about 350 pictures. There is also a $499 model that can hold 750 pictures.

这款售价399美元、也叫"Lytro"的相机之所以能做到这一切,是因为它是一部所谓"光场相机"(light-field camera)。光场相机采用了一种有别于传统数码相机的技术。简单来说,它使用一种经过修改的感光元件和专属软件来捕捉、处理镜头摄入的光线信息,这些信息不同于其他相机捕捉到的光线信息,而且也更加丰富。其中包括了光线的方向。这样得到的照片文件信息量更大,于是相机和电脑上的软件可以采用新的办法来调整影像。Lytro公司甚至都不用人们熟悉的像素指标来给它的相机归类。相反它说,相机的分辨率为1,100万射线(ray),也就是说可以捕捉到1,100万束光线。

The Lytro is an exciting and novel leap in digital photography, but because it still has some missing features, like flash and a file format that works in other software, buyers should consider it a second camera, at least for now.


Walter S. Mossberg
