
The fighting inside South Korea's richest family is spreading as another sibling is suing Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Kun-hee for a portion of their father's fortune that they believe he hid from them.

韩国首富家族的内斗开始扩大,三星电子(Samsung Electronics)董事长李健熙(Lee Kun-hee)的兄弟姐妹中又有一人起诉他。李健熙被起诉的原因是他的兄弟姐妹们认为他隐瞒了父亲的部分财产。

Two weeks ago, Mr. Lee's eldest brother Lee Maeng-hee filed a suit, seeking about 714 billion won, or $635 million, in shares of various Samsung companies, mainly Samsung Life. On Monday, his elder sister Lee Sook-hee also filed suit against him, seeking about 196 billion won in shares.

两周前,李健熙的大哥李孟熙(Lee Maeng-hee)提起诉讼,要求获得三星旗下多个子公司总价值约7,140亿韩圆(合6.35亿美元)的股份,其中主要的一家公司是三星人寿保险(Samsung Life)。周一,李健熙的二姐李淑熙(Lee Sook-hee)也对他提起了诉讼,要求获得约1,960亿韩圆的股份。

They both argue that their younger brother took a portion of their father's wealth that were hidden under the names of other people and didn't tell them.


Most of the dispute centers around shares of Samsung Life, which went public in 2010. Of the 200 million outstanding shares of Samsung Life, Lee Kun-hee is the single biggest shareholder with around 41.5 million shares or 20.7% of the total. The 8.24 million shares demanded by Lee Maeng-hee amount to approximately 19.8% of his younger brother's stake. The 2.23 million shares sought by Lee Sook-hee represent about 5%.


Lee Kun-hee's control of Samsung Electronics, the largest company in Asia by revenue, is bound up in a series of cross-holdings of Samsung affiliates that include Samsung Life. It is unclear precisely how his siblings' lawsuits would affect the cross-holdings but it doesn't seem likely they would unravel to the point where he would lose his control.


Even so, the feud within the Samsung family is surfacing in other ways, too. Last Thursday, CJ Group reported to police that its Chairman Lee Jae-hyun, the son of Lee Maeng-hee, was tailed by an employee of Samsung C&T, an engineering and construction unit of Samsung.

即便如此,三星家族内部的争斗也开始以其他方式显现出来。上周四,韩国企业集团CJ Group向警方报案说,李孟熙之子、该公司董事长李在贤(Lee Jae-hyun)被Samsung C&T的一名员工跟踪。Samsung C&T是三星旗下的工程及建筑子公司。

'It is very unfortunate. Samsung should sincerely explain why this happened and who ordered this,' CJ said in a statement. The company submitted to police CCTV footage that showed a black sedan driving around Lee Jae-hyun's house multiple times since Feb. 15. But Samsung said it was just a misunderstanding and that the employee went the area for other business purposes.


There have been squabbles before, however. In 1995, it was revealed that Samsung set up a video camera on the roof of Lee Kun-hee's residence which was suspected to watch Lee Jae-hyun's house. Samsung later removed it.


CJ Group cut its formal business ties with Samsung in 1997.

1997年,CJ Group与三星中断了正式商业往来。

Last year, the two companies collided in bidding for Korea Express, a logistics company. CJ won.

去年,这两家公司都参与了物流公司Korea Express的竞标。最终CJ中标。

Some industry watchers believe the seeds for feuds were planted decades ago when the father and founder of the Samsung empire, Lee Byung-chull, tapped Lee Kun-hee, his third son, as his successor, ignoring Confucian tradition that holds family fortunes and businesses should pass first to the eldest son.

一些业内观察人士认为,三星家族内斗的种子早在数十年前就已种下,当时三星帝国的创始人李秉喆(Lee Byung-chull)将三子李健熙选为自己的继承人,而忽视了将家族财产和企业传给长子的儒家传统观念。

Jaeyeon Woo