
How many times have you walked into a store, ready to buy -- only to find no one there to help, or even take your money? Or could you see the sales associates but they couldn't seem to see you? Maybe they sized you up as a browser, not a buyer. Or did you find yourself working with a clueless associate, who wanted to be helpful but wasn't, or worse, a pushy associate who would have sold you everything in the store.


No wonder many shoppers actually try to avoid salespeople. A majority of shoppers in a small 2009 study said they won't go to stores to avoid bad customer service, according to researcher Sherry Lotz, associate professor of retailing and consumer sciences at the University of Arizona's John & Doris Norton School. A common concern was that salespeople 'push' merchandise to earn commissions or achieve sales targets. The customers in the study 'did not trust that the store personnel were acting in their best interest,' Dr. Lotz says.

怪不得很多人买东西都会尽量避开导购。亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona)约翰和多瑞斯•诺顿学院(John & Doris Norton School)零售及消费者科学副教授罗兹(Sherry Lotz)称,在2009年的一项小型研究中,大多数购物者都说他们不想去逛商店是为了躲开糟糕的客户服务。一个普遍的担忧是,导购会"强行推销"商品以获得提成或达到销售目标。罗兹说,这项研究中的消费者"不相信导购是以顾客利益为重"。

When it's good, though, customer service is a magical elixir that makes customers feel good about making a purchase long after they leave the store. To create this positive feeling, a sales associate must have limitless stores of positive reinforcement, creativesuggestion and empathy.


Sharp salesmen used to pride themselves on their ability to 'read' a customer. Modern sales techniques stress it's best to ask questions, rather than make assumptions. That guy in sweats and a baseball cap is likely to be shopping for designer shoes. 'You have to listen to the customer,' says Claudia Coleman, 56 years old and a top-ranked personal shopper and sales associate at Neiman Marcus's San Antonio store. 'Ask them their favorite color, what they like, what they do -- all these questions to be able to understand their needs.'

过去,敏锐的导购常以自己善于"读懂"顾客的能力而自豪。而现代销售技巧则强调,最好是提问,而非猜测。那个穿运动装戴棒球帽的家伙可能是来买名牌鞋的。56岁的顶级私人导购、内曼•马库斯精品百货(Neiman Marcus)圣安东尼奥店的导购员科尔曼(Claudia Coleman)说,你得倾听顾客说话;问他们最喜欢什么颜色,喜欢什么东西,做什么工作,通过这些问题就能了解到他们的需求。

There are things customers can bring to get the most out of sales help in stores -- not least of which is an open mind. Once they have worked with an effective sales associate, many shoppers latch on and refuse to deal with others, often making appointments in advance.


Jay Jackson, who works in talentmanagement in Arlington, Va., relies on Chris Sharma, an associate in the men's department at Nordstrom in Tysons Corner, Va. 'I don't buy anything without him,' says Mr. Jackson, who recently came in so Mr. Sharma could select shirts and ties to go with a new blue suit.

弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿市从事人才管理工作的杰克森(Jay Jackson)就很信赖弗吉尼亚Tysons Corner购物中心的诺德斯特龙时尚百货店(Nordstrom)的导购夏尔马(Chris Sharma)。杰克森说,没有他我什么都不买。最近他来到店里,让夏尔马为自己一套新的蓝色西装挑选衬衫和领带。

Mr. Sharma, 48, has ranked as Nordstrom's No.1 sales associate for the past 10 years, ringing up more than $1 million in annual sales at the Washington D.C.-area store, where politicians and lobbyists are regulars.


He also still works the sales floor between appointments. Recently, he helped a walk-in customer return merchandise. 'I help customers who come in wanting $10 socks,' he says. 'Maybe one day they'll want a suit and remember me.' Mr. Sharma's compensation is based on commission from net sales. Nordstrom says salespeople earn either an hourly rate or commission, whichever is greater. On average, salespeople earn around $40,000 a year, although the retailer says many earn six figures.


It takes a good memory and commitment to tiny details to excel at sales. Mr. Sharma will remember that a customer already has a blue pinstripe shirt in his closet and offer him something else. He isn't afraid to poke a little good-natured fun at some of his customers' fashion cluelessness, but he also plays to their egos. He tells customers if they don't get a compliment on a purchase that he has picked, they can return it. It's a bet he has rarely lost.


On Mr. Jackson's recent store visit, Mr. Sharma considered the blue suit for a minute, then went off to hunt on the sales floor. Mr. Jackson waited by the register. In a few minutes, Mr. Sharma was back with an armful of items. He laid out each one, saying a few words about what he liked about each option. Mr. Jackson bought most of Mr. Sharma's picks, leaving behind just a red tie that he found too loud.


Ms. Coleman, who sells women's apparel at Neiman Marcus, strives to build long-term relationships. The way a garment fits is as important as how it looks, she says. 'I have an education in fashion and merchandising, and I also know how to sew,' Ms. Coleman says. 'I'm a stickler. You see it on a hanger, and it's not the same.' Sometimes, she asks a customer to try a garment on while a tailor is there to weigh in.


Many of Ms. Coleman's customers attend the same charity events and galas, and so she has become know for discreetly keeping track of who buys what for which event. When someone wants a dress that Ms. Coleman knows another woman has already bought, she'll say, 'I'm very sorry, that dress has been sold,' and guide them to something else.


Keeping track of all those moving parts is a challenge. She keeps meticulous notes and memorizes dates and purchases. But she never names names. Like other salespeople, Ms. Coleman follows up purchases with a thank-you note, and she often goes a step further, making a phone call or sending a text to ask how the purchase worked out or to call a customer's attention to something new in the store. She asks for permission before sending customers photos of new merchandise: She wants to gauge the customer's interest in advance but doesn't want to clutter up their phones or in-boxes with huge files.


Nordstrom says it has no formal customer-service training. 'We look to hire great sellers -- people who love to sell. We hire friendly, goal-oriented people who love fashion and empower them to take care of the customer,' the retailer says. Neiman Marcus says, 'Each of our associates is trained to engage the customer and ask the right questions and most importantly, be a very good listener.' The retailer offers online training tools, and associates learn about special events and get demonstrations of new merchandise at regular meetings.


Barry Snowbarger, 43, long a sales associate at a Manhattan Design Within Reach furniture store, has often ranked among the chain's top-five sellers. 'Can I help you?' is something he rarely asks. 'The automaticresponse is, 'I'm just looking,'' Mr. Snowbarger says. Instead, he says, 'I read their body language when they come in. If they are making a beeline, you can tell they're looking for something specific so I'll say something like, 'It looks like you're looking for something specific. Can I help you find it?'' Or sometimes he says, 'Hi, how are you? What brings you in today?'

43岁的斯诺伯格(Barry Snowbarger)是曼哈顿Design Within Reach家具店的资深导购。他经常名列该连锁店最佳导购的前五名。他很少会问"我能帮您什么?"这种问题。斯诺伯格说,顾客的第一反应会是"我就是随便逛逛"。他说,他们进来时我会"阅读"他们的身体语言;如果他们是径直走进来,就能看出他们的目的很明确,我就会说"您好像在找某件特定的商品,我能帮您找吗?"这样的话。有时他也会说,"您好,今天什么风把您吹来了?"

Mr. Snowbarger says he often spends time chatting with customers to get a sense of their lifestyle, interests and needs. He reads up on new products and designer bios so he can converse with authority and get customers' trust. Sometimes, he says, he'll even visit a customer's home to see the space and help them come up with ideas. In January, Mr. Snowbarger was promoted to a manager position.


Ray A. Smith