
The toy industry is tapping into children's fascination with tablets and smartphones by rolling out new playthings that connect with touch-screen devices.


At the American International Toy Fair in New York this week, Hasbro Inc. promoted 'The Game of Life zAPPed,' a new version of its classic board game that lets players swipe a virtual version of the game's spinning wheel on an iPad.

在上周于纽约举行的美国国际玩具展(American International Toy Fair)上,美国孩之宝公司(Hasbro Inc.)展出了在其"人生之旅"(The Game of Life)经典桌游系列基础上开发的名为"The Game of Life zAPPed"的新款游戏。新版本使玩家可以在iPad上很真切地拨动游戏中的转盘。

Mattel Inc., meanwhile, touted a new line of toys called 'Apptivity' that allow children to use Barbie dolls and Hot Wheel cars outfitted with special conductors to control the movement of games on a tablet computer.

与此同时,美泰公司(Mattel Inc.)推出了名为"Apptivity"的玩具系列,小朋友们可以用配备了特殊操控装置的芭比娃娃和"风火轮"汽车操控平板电脑上的游戏动作。

'It is a whole new toy category,' said Tim Kilpin, a Mattel vice president.

美泰公司副总裁提姆•卡尔平(Tim Kilpin)表示,这是一门全新的玩具品类。

Not everyone is convinced the piggybacking tactic will work for the toy industry, which has seen U.S. toy sales stall or fall in recent years