
Just as the tides seem to be turning against the consumption of shark fin soup -- even in Asia, where the delicacy has long been a staple on banquet menus -- some marine life experts are arguing that banning the sale of shark fins is pointless.

Speaking at a seminar organized by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore, Dr. Giam Choo Hoo, a member of a United Nations body on endangered species, said that media hype is responsible for 'misconceptions' about the shark-fishing industry. Arguing against widely-circulated images showing bloodied sharks struggling as their fins are hacked off -- popularized by the likes of celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay -- Dr. Giam said a vast majority of sharks are not killed to feed the tastes of increasingly-affluent Chinese consumers who consider the dish a status symbol.


He cited research showing 80% of the 73 million sharks killed each year are in fact caught accidentally, and overwhelmingly in developing countries. According to Dr. Giam's research, 25% of the shark catch comes from India and Indonesia -- countries, he says, that are home to 'mostly poor' fishermen who will eat every part of the shark, and then sell off the fin to eager buyers.

严祖富博士是一家致力于保护濒危物种的联合国机构的成员。他在新加坡东南亚研究所(Institute of Southeast Asian Studies)组织的一次研讨会上说,媒体的炒作造成了人们对捕鲨业的误解。严祖富反对广为传播的鲨鱼被割去鱼鳍后痛苦挣扎的血腥画面。英国顶级大厨拉姆齐(Gordon Ramsay)等人让这些画面广为人知。严祖富说,多数鲨鱼被猎杀并不是为了满足中国消费者的口腹之欲。日益富裕的中国人将这道美食看作身份的象征。

'Most fins are humanely taken from landed, dead sharks,' said Dr. Giam, who is a committee member on the U.N. Conventional on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and once Singapore's chief veterinary officer.


The consumption of shark fin, usually in a soup, is most common in East Asia, with 95% of all shark fin consumed within China, according to marineconservation group WildAid. Recent campaigns have netted support from high-profile figures like Richard Branson and Yao Ming, as well as hotels like Shangri-La and some of Singapore's biggest supermarket chains, which have all discouraged consumption of the dish, in some cases removing it from their shelves and menus.


Shibani Mahtani