
Nothing elicits such a strong case of technology guilt as asking other people if they back up their computers. Eyes dart toward the ground. Excuses are made. The subject is quickly changed.


As many people know or quickly find out, backing up a computer can be a painfully slow process. This week, I tested a computer-backup system that requires minimal effort and works in the background to automatically back up files: CrashPlan. This appropriately named program is made by Code 42 Software, a Minneapolis-based company.

很多人都清楚,完全备份电脑数据是个耗时漫长的痛苦过程。本周,我测试了一个名为CrashPlan的电脑备份软件,它的操作很简单,并能在后台自动备份文件。CrashPlan这个名字取得很恰当,意思是"崩溃预案",由明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市(Minneapolis)的Code 42 Software公司开发。

CrashPlan works with all types of operating systems and lets users back up to remote servers in the cloud and/or other computers or hard drives, like another PC they own or one belonging to a good friend or family member (as long as they give permission). The system also sets no restrictions on file size.


On a typical home Internet connection, the backup process to a CrashPlan remote server could take several days or even weeks for a first-time backup. (After that, backups are much faster and happen unnoticed.) The first-time backup for one of my laptops with about 46 gigabytes of data had been running almost continuously for three days when I filed this column on Tuesday. After the initial backup, regular backups won't take nearly as long. CrashPlan has a mobile app that works on Apple's iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, Android and Windows Phone 7, allowing remoteaccess to backed-up files.

在家庭宽带环境下,第一次完全备份到CrashPlan远程服务器上的过程可能要花几天甚至数周时间。(此后的备份要快捷得多,并且是在后台静悄悄地完成。)我把一台笔记本电脑上46G的数据做首次备份时,几乎花了整整三天的时间。初次备份后,常规备份就不会花那么长时间了。CrashPlan在苹果公司(Apple)的iPad、iPhone和iPod touch设备以及安卓(Android)和Windows Phone 7手机上都有移动应用程序,可以远程访问服务器上的备份文件。

The free version of CrashPlan enables a daily backup to other computers and hard drives but not to Code 42's remote servers. The subscription-based CrashPlan+ will back up to the remote servers as well as other computers or hard drives. It can back up as often as once a minute and lets users choose what data to back up where.

免费版的CrashPlan允许用户向其他电脑或硬盘每日备份数据,但不允许将数据备份到Code 42的远程服务器上。订阅式收费版的CrashPlan+则三种方式都可以备份,而且备份频率可以为每分钟一次,并让用户自由选择要向什么地方备份什么数据。

CrashPlan+ comes in three payment plans, each with its own tiered rates