
A few months ago I transitioned from part-time work (editing and writing this blog) back to a full-time reporting position.


The decision was a tough one and took almost a year to make. I knew that full-time jobs in journalism were hard to come by and felt I should grab the opportunity when it arose. I also was excited to work with managers I really respected. I was interested in the beat (writing about workplace and management issues) and being able to execute some of my story ideas would realize some of my career ambitions. And I would be doubling my salary (although much of those gains would go right back into child care.)


At the same time, I was giving up something that had grown extremelyvaluable to me in more than three years as a part-time worker: time. Not just time with my kids, because as an at-home worker, I actually feel very connected to their daily activity. But time for myself. Time to exercise and see friends and read and not always being worried about being rushed. Just rich, unhurried time. And I was also giving up a job I really loved spearheading this blog and interacting with Juggle readers.


Ultimately, though, I felt ready to take on the new career challenge. In part I was inspired after reading a New Yorker profile of Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg (formerly a top exec at Google) who said that men rarelyhesitate to take workplace challenges but that women often are reluctant to 'lean into' their careers and take assignments that stretch them. The New Yorker's Ken Auletta writes of Sandberg:

然而最终我还是准备接受新的职业挑战,部分原因是我在读了《纽约客》(New Yorker)刊登的一篇关于Facebook首席运营长谢丽尔•桑伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)(前谷歌副总裁)的特写文章之后受到了鼓舞。桑伯格说,男人在职场承担挑战时鲜有犹豫,而女人则不愿意"钻研"事业,也不乐于接受能让她们大显身手的任务。《纽约客》的肯•奥莱塔(Ken Auletta)在这篇特写中写道:

She struggled with her own work-life balance, and developed a sense that too many women at Google and elsewhere were dropping out of the workforce after becoming mothers, in part because they had not pushed to get a job they loved before they began having children. In her six years at Google, she had hired scores of male and female executives, but, she says, 'the men were getting ahead. The men were banging down the door for new assignments, promotions, the next thing to do, the next thing that stretches them. And the women